Archives 2016

Archives 2016

Media Mentions



  • Professor Bridget Griffen-Foley featured on Channel 7’s program 10 to 1 Countdown: Our Greatest News Events, 23 November 2016.
  • Professor David Throsby contributed the piece ‘When it comes to books and copyright, the government should leave things as they are’ to The Conversation, 20 November, and was interviewed by Radio 2SER's The Daily, 23 November 2016.





  • Dr Jan Zwar interviewed by 702 ABC Sydney Mornings regarding her latest research into the health of the Australian book industry, 24 July 2016.
  • Siobhan Lyons contributed an article to The Conversation exploring the recent history of satyrical drama on Australian television, 6 July 2016.


  • Dr Jan Zwar featured in an article in the The Australian regarding her research about the ways in which publishers have had to innovate and improve their services in response to digital disruption, 27 June 2016.
  • Emeritus Professor Murray Goot contributed an article on the historical lessons of the two-party-preferred polling system to Inside Story, 17 June 2016.


  • Research by Emeritus Professor Murray Goot mentioned in an article on the frequency of opinion polls before elections in both the UK and Australia, published by Business Insider, 26 May 2016.
  • Dr Margaret Van Heekeren featured by the Western Advocate in an article on student journalism and the federal election, 18 May 2016.
  • Content from and coverage of the 2016 Brian Johns Lecture, delivered by Professor Julianne Schultz AM on 'Cultural Institutions and Ideas of Australia in the Age of Fang', featured in the The Australian and The Conversation, 2 May, ArtsHub, 3 May, John Menadue's website, 5 May, and in the Sydney Morning Herald6 May 2016. The latter article has been republished by various media across the country, including The Sunday Age, and the online versions of The Age, the Cessnock Advertiser and the Wagga Wagga Daily Advertiser. The lecture also inspired an editorial in the summer 2016 edition of ACTRA magazine by the National President of the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists. ABC Radio National's Big Ideas broadcast the lecture, a recording of which can be downloaded and listened to here, on 18 May 2016.


  • Professor Bridget Griffen-Foley's book Party Games mentioned in an article in The Australian on the 185th anniversary of the Sydney Morning Herald, 26 April 2016.
  • Dr Tom D C Roberts' book Before Rupert (UQP) used as the basis for a VICE feature article on Keith Murdoch and the mythology of Gallipoli, 25 April 2016.




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