Nasality correlate
Oral-nasal airflow: correlation graphs (2013)
Correlations between rate of utterance and nasal airflow
Figure 1: Correlation between nasal airflow and rate of utterance of the Rainbow Passage uttered at a normal rate.
Pearson correlation = 0.499 (p=0.049).
Figure 2: Correlation between nasal airflow and rate of utterance of the Naomi Passage.
Pearson correlation = 0.688 (p=0.003)
Figure 3: Nasal Airflow correlation for the Naomi passage versus the Rainbow Passage.
Pearson correlation = 0.948 (p<0.001)
Figure 4: Rate of utterance correlation for the Naomi passage versus the Rainbow passage.
Pearson correlation = 0.804 (p<0.001)
Please note: The two very strong correlations in figures 3 and 4 are partly a result of the abstracted data for the Naomi passage in table 1 (on the results page). The data abstraction methodology had as its goal the preservation of strong correlations between the paired data for the two passages.
Content owner: Department of Linguistics Last updated: 13 Nov 2024 9:59am