Engage with us

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
  3. Engage with us
Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences
Level 3, 75 Talavera Rd
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Our research aims to change lives on a global scale See what schools and departments make up FMHHS Research, training and education in a broad range of areas

Helping us make a difference

We serve our community, but our outlook is global. You can be a part of our research and student journey.

Learn more about the ways you can be involved with the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences (FMHHS).

Partner and engage with us

As part of our outreach and engagement activities, we seek to form a range of collaborative partnerships with various academic institutions, companies and associations which generate beneficial outcomes for all involved.

Various partnership and engagement opportunities exist, including:

  • Sponsorship – events, functions, guest speakers, education support, scholarships.
  • Research – collaborative research, fellowships, PhD scholarships, formation of centres of excellence, participation on other ongoing projects including cooperative research centre (CRC) grants.

Contact fmhhs.operations@mq.edu.au for all faculty enquiries.


Donations play an important role in supporting the research and teaching endeavours of the faculty. They can come in the form of philanthropic gifts, cash donations, equipment, data, bequests, support for specific activities and body donations.

Learn more about philanthropy.