Markets with Transaction Costs: Mathematical Theory

Markets with Transaction Costs: Mathematical Theory

Short Course: 

Abstract: Classical Arbitrage Theory for frictionless financial markets relates economically meaningful property of absence of arbitrage with the fundamental probabilistic concept of equivalent martingale measure. Densities processes of equivalent martingale measures plays a role of stochastic deflators. To compare the present values of assets with their future values one needs to use not the prices but the prices multiplied by stochastic deflators. 

The theory of markets with proportional transaction costs treats portfolios as vectors of assets without assigning to them a scalar - its monetary value. It happens that in the case of proportional transaction costs the fundamental concept is a consistent price system, a martingale evolving in the dual to the solvency cones (in physical units). In the absence of friction all such martingales can be obtained by multiplying prices by stochastic deflators. For markets with transaction costs there are several possible formalizations of absence of arbitrage and the available criteria involve consistent price systems.  Surprisingly, the passage from the model with a finite number of states of the nature to the general case goes not so smoothly as in the classical theory. Several examples will be discussed in the lecture course. 

From mathematical point of view, the theory for market with transaction costs is a vector analogy of the classical theory. It is a blend of finite dimensional geometry, geometric functional analysis and stochastic calculus. On the other hand, it fills the gap between mathematical finance and mathematical economics showing how these two disciplines are related.


Event Details

When:10am-1pm, Tuesday 7th November, 2017
Where:Seminar Room 523, Level 5, Building E4A
RSVP:Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Program:3 hour course

About the Speaker 

kabanov youri mathematical finance

Prof Kabanov is a principal organizer of the Bachelier colloquiums in
mathematical finance which is a major annual European conference in this field. He is a
member of Advisory Board of “Finance and Stochastics” (ABDC rank A), member of
Editorial Board of “Probability Theory and Its Applications” and other journals. Prof
Kabanov is a member of the Academy of Europe, winner of the prestigious “mega-grant” of
Russian Government 2013-2015 to develop quantitative finance discipline. His citation
records are Google Scholar: 4528 citations with h-index 35 (since 2012 h-index 21);
Mathscinet: cited 842 times by 648 authors; RePEc: rank 9 of authors in Russia. Prof
Kabanov has been one of the main researchers in the world driving cutting edge
development in financial mathematics.

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