Why religious and minority communities find common cause with the Indigenous peoples of Australia
As a Copt, this empathy arises from our similar historical experiences. The Copts are the indigenous people of Egypt, whose heritage and culture goes back to the time of the pharaohs and beyond. The Coptic Orthodox Church is one of the oldest in the world, having been established by the apostle and evangelist St. Mark around 42 CE. While the history of our culture is perhaps one tenth the duration of that of the Indigenous peoples of Australia, we understand the experience of being second class citizens in our own traditional land.
There is a story that, in the late-nineteenth century, a Russian envoy was sent to the Coptic Pope to invite the Coptic Church to come under the authority of the Russian Orthodox Church, so that the power of the Russian Tsar could protect the Copts from their constant persecution. The elderly Coptic Pope quietly asked the envoy, “Does your Tsar die?” The envoy replied that, of course, the Tsar was mortal. The Coptic Pope said: “Then I’m afraid I must politely refuse, since we already have a Protector who cannot die.”
Well-meaning people may often view indigenous minorities as helpless, almost infantile victims in need of enlightened and civilised help. But the Copts have always understood that no one else can appreciate, value, or preserve their own heritage, culture, beliefs, and traditions the way Copts can. Whatever direction Copts take, we need to choose it for ourselves.
Attempts to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians may be similarly well-meaning, but such attempts to help have often been condescending and ineffective. We need to understand that Indigenous people are capable of finding their own destiny if they are given the chance. This is what the Uluru Statement challenges us to understand. It is a call for Indigenous Australians to be given greater responsibility in their own affairs, through a constitutionally guaranteed voice in laws and policies made about them.
A constitutionally guaranteed Indigenous voice is an initiative that originates from the Indigenous peoples themselves. No one is telling them what to do. No other community in Australia faces the hurdles and obstacles — both historical and present — that the Indigenous peoples face. And they understand their situation best.
A constitutional voice would establish the lines of communication that are essential if Indigenous peoples are to be empowered to fashion their own destinies. Of course, the effectiveness of these lines of communication will depend on the quality of those individuals who will, from time to time, occupy the key positions on all sides, but at least the Indigenous peoples of Australia will have a permanent seat at the table that makes decisions about their future.
The joint resolution demonstrates that such a voice is something that diverse faith and, I believe, migrant communities will wholeheartedly support at a referendum.
As an immigrant, I have always felt immensely blessed to have the privilege of being Australian. When my family arrived in 1969 with nothing more than a number of suitcases and a few dollars in our pockets, we had all sorts of opportunities open before us. How sad it is to think that even in that position, our opportunities were already greater, and the obstacles before us fewer, than those whose land this has been for uncounted generations. As (Egyptian) indigenous people ourselves, we understand the painful sting of being relegated to the bottom of the society of those who came late and imposed themselves and their ways upon us.
It is time for immigrant communities, especially those who experienced discrimination in their own traditional homelands, to get whole-heartedly behind our Australian Indigenous cousins. Let’s do what Australia does best: come together to lead the world when it comes to compassion, common sense, and a fair go for all.
Rev. Dr Antonios Kaldas is a parish priest at Archangel Michael and St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church in Sydney and Lecturer in Philosophy at St. Cyril’s Coptic Theological College in the Sydney College of Divinity.