Lachlan Macquarie:
Journal/ of/ A Voyage and Tour/ of Inspection to/ Van Diemen's Land.
4 April 1821 - 12 July 1821
Records the account of a voyage to Hobart on board the Midas; an overland journey to Port Dalrymple, Launceston and George Town; inspection of siters for new townships; and return voyage to Sydney on board the Caroline.
Accompanying Lachlan Macquarie were his wife Elizabeth, their son Lachlan, Theodore Bartley, (tutor to Lachlan Jnr.), Lieut. Hector Macquarie, Major James Taylor, Dr William Redfern, Surveyor George Evans, Sergeant Charles Whalan (and his son Charles) and servants, including Macquarie's manservant George Jarvis (and possibly his wife Mary).
Original held in Mitchell Library, Sydney.
[ML Ref: A784]

Lachlan Macquarie:
Journal/ of/ A Voyage and tour/ of Inspection - from/ Port Jackson to the/ Settlements of Port Macquarie/ and Newcastle/ in November 1821.
1 November - 21 November
Records Macquarie's voyage to the Northern Settlements on board the Elizabeth Henrietta (accompanied by the Snapper cutter); his selection of the site for the town of Port Macquarie; the exploration of the Hastings River, and the journey by river and land to Wallis Plains, near Newcastle.
Those who accompanied Lachlan Macquarie were Lieut. Hector Macquarie, Deputy Surveyor-General James Meehan, Master Attendant John Nicholson, and Lieut. Robert Johnston R.N.
Original held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.
[ML Ref: A785]

Lachlan Macquarie:
Journal / of/ A Tour of Inspection/ to Bathurst/ in Decr. 1821.
15 December 1821 - 26 December 1821
Records the journey to Bathurst by Lachlan Macquarie, accompanied by Judge-Advocate Wylde, James Meehan, David Johnston, Lieut. William Lawson, personal servants, and a military escort.
Original held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.
[ML Ref: A783]
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