Thursday 1. Novr. 1821.
Having for some time back resolved on going on a Tour of Inspection to the New Penal Settlement of Port Macquarie -- and also to that of Newcastle on my way back from the former, and every necessary arrangement having been previously made for this purpose, I took leave of Mrs. M. and our beloved Boy at 2 o'clock this afternoon (-- they being both at Sydney at present --) and Embarked on board the Government Brig Elizabeth-Henrietta, commanded by Mr. --- Gray, accompanied by Lieut. Macquarie A.D.C., Mr. Meehan Dy. Surveyor Genl., Mr. Nicholson Master attendant, and Lieut. Robt. Johnston R.N.; the two latter Gentlemen having volunteered to be of my Party.
The Snapper Cutter, commanded by Mr. ---Fish, accompanied us as a Tender, to land us at such Places as might have too little depth of Water for the Brig. ---The two Vessels got under weigh at 1/2 past Two, with a fine fair Breeze at South West, and got entirely clear of the Heads by Half past 3 o'clock. ---It rained a little all the afternoon, and the Breeze freshened a good deal by the time we had cleared the Heads. ---The good faithful honest Serjt. Whalan remained with us on board till we got down to the Heads, and then left us along with the Depy. Harbour Master, Milton. ---My old faithful Valet George was too unwell to accompany me on this Voyage. ---Joseph the Coachman, Martin, the asst. Cook, Hammond, and Corpl. Macquarie, formed my Establishment of Servants on this occasion, besides Five Men of my own Barge's crew to man the Master attendant's Boat, which, as being so much lighter than my own Barge, I have preferred taking with me on the present Service.
On going on board the Elizabeth Henrietta in the Cove, I could not help being greatly struck, and highly pleased, with the excellent order, extreme neatness, and judicious arrangement made for my accommodation and comfort in every respect. For all this, as usual, I am indebted to my dear Mrs. M. who had, unknown to me, gone on board, and given directions for all these comfortable arrangements being made some days before.
We sat down to a very good Dinner at 4 o'clock; but the motion was so great that none of us ate much. By sunset it came on a very smart Gale -- with a high Sea -- and we were going 8 Knots! ---I went early to Bed, and instead of a swinging Cott, I slept in one of the Standing Bed Places, the Cabin being rather too small for a Hanging Cott to swing easy & comfortably in such severe motion. ---I found the Standing Birth indeed the more comfortable of the two, and slept very well in it. ---
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