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Journal of A Tour of Inspection To Bathurst in Decr. 1821. Saturday 15. Decr. 1821. Sunday 16. Decr. We reached Sir Jno. Jamison's at Regent Ville on the Right Bank of the River Nepean, a quarter before 9 o'clock. ---He received us very Hospitably and gave us an excellent Breakfast. ---Lt. Lawson and Mr. David Johnston joined us at Sir John's at Breakfast; they being two of my Party for Bathurst. We remained till 12 o'clock at Regent Ville, expecting Mr. Meehan the Dy. Surveyor Genl. to join us there; ---but not appearing then, we crossed the River to Emu Plains -- where we were received by Mr. Fitzgerald Supdt. of the Govt. Agricultural Establishment. We remained here for about Half an Hour, during which I wrote a Letter to my dear Mrs. M. ---We then mounted our Horses, and pursued our Journey to Bathurst across the Blue Mountains. I left my Carriage at Regent Ville; but took on my Curricle which had been converted into a very handsome Tandam [sic] for the present Journey, for me to travel in occasionally. ---We had a very pleasant ride to Spring-Wood, the 1st Depot on the mountains, 12 miles from Emu Plains, where we arrived at 1/2 past 3 o'clock -- having only walked our Horses all the way. ---There is very good grazing all the way from Emu Plains to Spring Wood for both sheep and cattle, and a very good supply of fresh water from Springs at this stage -- which is a Military station. ---Here there ought to be a large Tract of Ground, of at least 1000 acres, reserved for the use of the Crown, and the Flocks & Herds of Individuals passing to and from Bathurst, on account of the good Forage and Water procurable here. We sat down to a good Dinner precisely at 5 o'clock; having found our Tents ready Pitched and everything in order for our reception on our arrival at Spring Wood; my Servants and Baggage having come on two days before me to this Stage. --- We walked out after sitting a little while at Dinner, Drank Tea at 1/2 past 7; and intending to set out very early in the morning, we all retired to Bed at 9 o'clock.--- Monday 17. Decr. Found all our Baggage there, with the exception of one Cart, which did not arrive at the Ground till 11 o'clock -- when we Breakfasted; the Tea Box being in that Cart. ---At 1/2 past 12, sent off our Baggage and pursued our Journey. ---About 5 miles from Jamison's one of our Carts, having the Corn in it, broke down, and we sent back the Axle Tree to be repaired at the Forge of the Road Makers 3 miles in the Rear. ---We arrived ourselves at Black-Heath, where we had determined to Halt for the Night, disce. 12 miles, at 4 p.m.; but the Carts with the Baggage did not arrive on the Ground till 8 o'clock. ---We had then to Pitch Tents &c. with Fire-light, and did not sit down to Dinner till 10 o'clock. ---At 9 o'clock it became foggy -- and when at Dinner it came on a Drizzling disagreeable Rain, with a very cold Easterly Wind, which made us all uncomfortable. We did not go to Bed till 1/2 past 11 o'clock. Tuesday 18. Decr. At 9 a.m. Set out after sending off the Baggage. At 1/2 past 10. arrived at Mount York, and descended the Pass into the Vale of Clwyd; but the Baggage Carts did not join us there till 1 p.m. We then pursued our Journey and arrived at Cox's River at 1/2 2 p.m. -- but the Baggage did not come up till 3 o'clock, and here we took up our Ground for the Night, disce. from Black Heath being 15 miles.--- Wednesday 19. Decr. We dined early, and we all took a very pleasant walk up the Left Bank of the Fish River after Dinner, going to Bed at 9 o'clock.--- Thursday 20. Decr. ! Having made a very hearty Breakfast we pursued our Journey at 1/2 past Ten. ---We turned off to the Right from the Road to "Campbell-River" towards "O'Connell-Plains", crossing the Fish-River to Hassell's Establishment, and thence through "Macquarie Plains" (-- which at this time looked very beautiful indeed --) and afterwards through Bathurst Plains; visiting the different Farms located thereon, including Mr. Cox's Establishment, nearly opposite to the Town of Bathurst. We crossed the Macquarie River, by the usual Ford, to the Town about 3 o'clock, disce. from Fish River 25 miles by the Route we pursued. We rode directly to the Government House, and put up our Horses. ---I then went to see the Troops, the Stores, Barracks, Granary &c. &c. I found a great number of the Natives waiting here for me for several Days, and they immediately came to see me at Government House -- to the amount of 15 Persons. ---We dined at 5 o'clock -- the Baggage having all arrived about 4 o'clock. In the Evening the little Town of Bathurst was very neatly illuminated in honor of my arrival in it -- and the Natives entertained us with a very good Karauberie at Night, which lasted till 11 o'clock; -- at which Hour we retired to Bed.--- Friday 21. Decr. 1821. At 3 p.m. the Inhabitants and Settlers of the Settlement of Bathurst about 15 in number, waited on me with a congratulatory address, to which I made a suitable reply in writing. ---In the Evening Bone-Fires and illuminations were made in the Town, and at all the Farms in sight of it, along the North Bank of the Macquarie River; and in the latter part of the Evening the Native[s] entertained us with another Grand Kauraberie in front of Government House. Before Dinner I inspected all the accounts and Returns of Lieut. Lawson as Comdt. of Bathurst, and found all perfectly correct, and received all the necessary Returns from Him, and also from the storekeeper. ---Having now completed all my Business at Bathurst, I have resolved on setting out early tomorrow morning on my return to Sydney. ---I accordingly gave my Servants the necessary orders about sending off the Baggage at Day-break, and I retired to Bed at 10 o'clock --- Saturday 22 Decr. ! At 6 a.m. Set out from [the] Town of Bathurst, leaving Mr. Meehan to measure Lands there.--- I stopped at the White Rock to inspect the Government stock of Breeding Cows there, and was much gratified to find them all in such excellent condition. ---We then pursued our Journey to the Campbell River, and to Lieut. Lawson's Establishment close to the Banks of that River on Mitchell's Plains. ---Here we inspected his stock of Horses, Horned Cattle, & Sheep, all which are excellent of their respective kinds. ---Lieut. Lawson accompanied us from his Establishment for a few miles on our way, and then returned to his station at Bathurst.--- We stopped to Breakfast at Sidmouth Valley, and having rested our men and cattle there for two Hours, we continued our Journey to the "Fish River", where we arrived between 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon and encamped there for the Night; the distance from Bathurst being 28 miles. ---This day was exceedingly Hot. The Judge advocate drove me in my Tandam [sic] the whole of this day's Journey. ---We had a late Dinner -- but went to Bed at 10 o'clock.--- Sunday 23. Decr. Monday 24 Decr.! I rode in my Tandam [sic] from the Top of Mt. York to Black-Heath -- where we arrived at 1 p.m., but the Baggage did not come up to the Ground till 4 p.m. ---We then Pitched our Camp for the Night at Black-Heath; distance from the summit of Mount York being 9 miles.--- Dined at 6. -- and went early to Bed.--- Tuesday 25. Decr.!!! Followed it ourselves at 10 minutes after 6 -- and arrived at "Jamison's Valley" at 9 o'clock; disce. 12 miles. Here we halted to Breakfast, and rested our men and Cattle for some Hours. ---At l p.m. we pursued our Journey again. ---I rode the first part of this stage, but on the Day getting very hot, I got into the Tandam, [sic] in which I was driven by Joseph the remaining part of this day's Journey. We arrived at Spring Wood 20 mins. before 5 p.m. ---The Road, the greater part of this stage, is execrably bad for a Carriage, and I was dreadfully jolted. ---It is 16 miles from Jamison's Valley --; our whole Journey this day being 28 miles. During our last stage, we passed "Caley's Repulse", and the "Bluff-Bridge"; the latter, as well as several other small parts of this last stage, being lately greatly improved by Lieut. Lawson.--- On my arrival at Spring Wood, the Corporal of the Guard stationed there informed me that Mr. Fitzgerald had only gone back to Emu Plains about Half an Hour before; having remained here since morning expecting me to arrive every moment. ---The Corporal also informed me that two Convict Ships had arrived at Sydney since our passing here on Sunday-Week. ---Our Provision Cart with the Cook &c. arrived at Spring Wood at 10 mins. past 6 p.m. At 7 p.m. the whole of our Baggage arrived without any accident. ---We dined at o'clock -- and went afterwards soon to Bed. Wednesday 26 Decr. Mr. Fitzgerald arrived from Emu Plains just as we had Breakfasted -- but brought us no particular news. ---As soon as he had got his Breakfast, we set out on our Journey, leaving the necessary Instructions relative to our Baggage with Corporal Macquarie. At 10 a.m. we reached Emu Plains, the Judge Advocate having driven me in my Tandam [sic]. We crossed the River soon afterwards to Sir Jno. Jamison's at Regent Ville, where he had a most comfortable Breakfast prepared for us. ---Our Horses and the Curricle, crossing the River lower down at the same time.--- The Day being extremely hot and oppressive, we were easily prevailed upon by Sir John to remain within Doors till the Evening, and to take an early Dinner with him -- which we accordingly did between 3 and 4 o'clock. ---At 1/4 before 5, we all took our leave of Sir John, and pursued our Journey; myself Travelling in my own Chariot with a Pair of Horses only, and the Judge advocate driving my Curricle, in Tandam [sic], with two Horses.--- I arrived at Parramatta at- 8 p.m.; drank Tea with Sir Thos. & Lady Brisbane, remained with them for an Hour & a quarter; and then borrowing a Pair of Leaders of Sir Thomas, I set out for Sydney, where I arrived at 1/4 before 11 at Night, and had the happiness to find my dearest Mrs. M. and our beloved Boy well in Health.--- L.M. Memorandum ! He has 150 acres of as fine Wheat now growing as I ever beheld in any Country; 15 acres of very fine looking Oats, and 3 acres of very good Flax, now in the ground -- and almost ripe for Cutting belonging to Government.--- The Macquarie wheat thrives well here, and upwards of 50 acres of it has been sown this year. L.M. Copyright © 1998-2009 Macquarie University. All rights reserved. |