Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Friday 16. Novr. --
We got up very early, and Breakfasted between 6 and 7 o'clock, so as to send off our Baggage and Boats in good time, to meet ourselves again at the Green Hills. ---We walked about the Government Grounds, and the Settlement till 8 o'clock, when we set out on our return to Newcastle by the same route we came. ---I was provided with the same Horse I rode yesterday, Major Morisset being also provided with one; and arrived at the Green Hills at Half past 9. a.m. In a quarter of an Hour afterwards our Boats arrived, and at 10. a.m. we set out from the Green Hills by Water; -- making the same Halts as before to refresh our Boats crews, who exerted themselves to the utmost to get us on. ---On our way back to Newcastle, we touched at the Station of the Lime Burners, for the purpose of inspecting them. ---Their number at present consists of 95 men. ---I found them Healthy -- and very well fed, and comfortably lodged, with two Large Gardens full of Vegetables for their use. ---We set out from the station of the Lime Burners at 1/2 past 5. p.m. and arrived at Newcastle at 1/4 past 6 o'clock; the Troops being drawn out to receive me -- and the Battery saluting. ---This Ceremony also took place on my setting out yesterday morning. We dined soon after our arrival -- the civil and military officers of the Settlement having been invited to meet me. ---

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