Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Saturday 17. Novr. --
Intending, in case the wind should be fair, to embark for Sydney this Evening, I commenced my Inspections at this Settlement immediately after Breakfast this morning. ---I first inspected the Troops, their Barracks and Hospitals, and afterwards the whole of the Male & Female Convicts, their Barracks, and the Colonial Hospital. ---I then proceeded to inspect the Lumber Yard, the New Pier, the Jail, the Store, and all the other Public Buildings; concluding my Labours at 3. p.m. by receiving Petitions and Memorials at the Police Office. ---I was very highly gratified with every thing I saw, and expressed my unqualified approbation to Major Morisset of the manner in which he conducts his arduous Duties here, and the excellence of the system he has laid down, and pursues so successfully. ---

The Wind being quite foul & directly against, we have abandoned our intention of embarking this Evening; trusting however, we shall be enabled to do so early tomorrow morning. ---We sat down to an excellent Dinner at 6 o'clock. ---I named a very fine large Lagoon of Fresh Water, about Half way between the Green Hills and Wallis's Plains, "Morisset's Lagoon", in honor of the present Commandant, finding on enquiry here it had no particular name before. It is two miles in Length -- and is a very pretty sheet of water. ---

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