Friday 20th. Octr.
At 5 o'clock this morning we sat down to Breakfast, and at 1/2 past 6 we set out on our Journey, having previously dispatched our 2 light Baggage Carts. ---We left a Case of Wine, a Tub of Corned Rounds of Beef, and 4 Bags of Corn at Mr. Throsby's for our Journey back from Throsby Park to Sydney -- conceiving we had a sufficient quantity of those articles for our Journey forwards besides. ---The first 12 miles of this stage was through a very rich beautiful Country -- well watered & wooded -- and peculiarly well suited for Settlers. ---The Road was also very good so far; but after these 12 miles, we entered a long dreary Brush of 7 miles in extent -- barren and unprofitable Land -- with several steep bad Hills, and abrupt Declivities, but containing abundance of most excellent useful Timber.
After passing through this long tiresome thick close Brush or Forest, we arrived at St. Patrick's River -- a very pretty clear little stream, running northerly -- and with a good Bridge over it. About a mile from this little Rivulet, we came to the Wallandilly River -- about 12 yards wide in most Parts, and a very fine Stream of Water being quite fresh. ---The Ford however is very rough and Rocky -- and I was afraid the Carriage would not be able to get across. ---It however crossed it without any accident.
The Country here, immediately on crossing to the west Bank of the Wallandilly, changes it [sic] character -- and becomes again rich and beautiful -- and fit for all the purposes of man.
We encamped near the Ford on a very beautiful verdant Bank, commanding a fine view of the River and Park-like Country in the vicinity of our Camp.---
I came in the Carriage thus far, but quitted it as soon as we had crossed the River, mounted my Horse, and took Mr. Meehan with me to view Mr. Hannibal McArthur's Establishment about four miles from our Camp. ---We saw his Flocks & Herds feeding and rode as far as his Stockmen's Huts; Mr. M. having at this Place 1854 Sheep & 165 Head of Horned Cattle, in a very pretty situation near the River -- and in most excellent Pasturage. This however being a most eligible part of the Country to reserve for the Government Stock -- as well as for a future Town and Township, I must warn Mr. McArthur to remove his Stock to some other part of the Country.
Mr. McArthur's overseer (Geo. Claris) presented me with Two Wild Turkey Eggs, a Stuffed Squirell, and a Piece of Rock Chrystal,[sic] all being the Produce of the District of Wallandilly. He has also promised me, on my return, a stuffed wild Turkey -- all which I intend for my dear Lachlan. ---Dr. Reid had 2 Water Moles, and a Duck of a most curious species, shot for him in the River. ---I returned Home after a very pleasant Ride at 3 o'clock -- having first arrived at our present Ground from Throsby Park at 1/4 past 12 at Noon -- our Baggage having all arrived by 1/2 past 1 o'clock. ---We dined at 5 -- drank Tea at 7 -- and went to Bed at 9 o'clock.---
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