Thursday 19. Octr.
Got up at Day-break, and rode out along with the Revd. Mr. Cartwright, Major Antill, Mr.Meehan & Mr. Throsby to see the Country in this vicinity. We passed through several very fine extensive Meadows -- and large rich Tracts of Forest Land fit for both Cultivation and Pasturage -- with plenty of good Water in Lagoons, Ponds, [sic] and Springs -- and abounding in very fine Timber. ---We were out 4 Hours & a quarter, and must have rode at least 16 miles; having gone out in one direction and returned Home by a different one. ---The Situation of the New Settlers 4 miles south west of Throsby-Park is particularly beautiful and rich -- resembling a fine extensive Pleasure Grounds in England. ---On seeing this sweet spot, I longed much to have Mrs. M. and dear Lachlan with me to participate in the pleasure I felt on beholding so beautiful a Landscape. ---We saw a vast number of the large Forest Kangaroos in this morning's Excursion.---
We returned to our Camp at a quarter before Ten -- and soon partook of a good hearty Breakfast.
The heavy Baggage was sent off at 11 o'clock today, with orders to proceed today only 9 miles to Tindounbindal, -- and tomorrow to the Wallandilli River, where we intend joining them tomorrow -- and to make only one stage of it, the distance from this to the Latter Place being only 22 miles. ---We keep with us here only 2 light Carts to convey our Small Tents, Bedding -- and Dining & Breakfast Utensils.
---The Horse belonging to the Constable who came with the Express yesterday from Stone-Quarry Creek, being a good deal knocked up, I have kept both the Man & Horse here for the whole of today to get properly refreshed; intending they should start at Daybreak tomorrow.---
I write again to Mrs. M. by this conveyance to inform her of our operations.---
We all retired to rest before 9 o'clock tonight.---
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