Saturday 21. Octr. 1820.
Got up between 4 and 5 o'clock this morning. ---Breakfasted at 1/2 past 5 -- sent off the Baggage at 1/2 past 6 -- and set out ourselves 10 minutes before 7 o'clock. ---The first 6 miles is a very good rich open Country -- excellent pasture and also fit for Cultivation. ---At 8, Entered a thick Brush or Forest, along a winding rough Stoney Range -- which extends for 5 miles -- then pass through an open pretty Country of very fine Pasturage for two miles; after which enter a second Brush, with several very steep ascents and Descents, and extending to the River Cookbundoon -- where I arrived in the Carriage at 20 mins. past 11 a.m. -- and where we halt for this Day; -- Pitching our Camp on the Right of this very pretty little Stream which is here about 6 yards Broad only. ---Some of the Light Baggage Carts came in with us -- but the heavy ones did not get in to Camp for two Hours afterwards. ---This stage is 15 miles from our last -- and we are now arrived within 30 miles of Bathurst Lake -- the Place of rendezvous for the Commissioner and myself -- and where I hope we shall arrive on Monday next. ---We dined as usual at 5 -- & went early to Bed.
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