Wednesday 11. Octr. 1815.
Breakfasted at 7 o'clock this morning, and set out at 8 to inspect all the Farms in the Evan (or Castlereagh) District, including the Township of Castlereagh. -- Proceeded first to visit the upper Line of Farms, and crossed from them by the new Bridge or Causeway, recently erected across the Swamp lying between the Back Line of Farms and the Township of Castlereagh, to the Town and new Parsonage House; calling at the latter on the Revd. Mr. Fulton the Resident Chaplain, where we stopt for about Half an Hour to view his improvements. -- From thence we proceeded by the remaining back Line of Farms as far as Mr. Baillis's, which is the Northernmost one of this District, and then returned by the Front or First Line of Farms lying on the Eastern Bank of the River Nepean.
In this ride I was truly concerned to observe that the Settlers have not made the smallest improvement on their Farms since I first visited them in November 1810, near Five years ago! -- No Fences or Enclosures or Gardens made, and no new Houses built or old ones repaired, and the Settlers themselves living in the same Poverty and Sloth as they did then. -- This is a melancholy and mortifying reflection, but I fear there is no remedying these lazy habits during the existence of the present old generation. We returned to our Camp at 2 o'clock, and having taken some refreshment and stopt there for an Hour, I rode up to Sir Jno. Jamison's Farm, accompanied by Mr. Cox and Mr. Hassall, and crossed over in the Government Boat from thence to Emu Plains to look at the Government Stock grazing there. -- They had been previously collected into the Stock Yard, where we examined them, and I was pleased to find them generally in very good condition. -- Here the young Heifer Herds are kept and consist of about 480 young and old. ---
Mr. Arkell one of the Principal Overseers of Stock had just arrived (as we crossed the River) at the Stock Yard, with 12 Head of fine fat oxen belonging to Government from Bathurst for the use of the Stores at Sydney. -- He has only been 4 days in travelling with these Cattle from Bathurst a distance of 101 miles. -- From Mr. Arkell I received the disagreeable intelligence that Eight Runaway Convicts had made their escape across the Blue Mountains to the New discovered Country, and had penetrated as far as Sydmouth Valley, where they had been seen and spoken to by some of the Government Stockmen. -- They have two Kangaroo Dogs with them -- but are not well armed, having only one Musquet [sic] and Two Pistols amongst them all. -- They had killed one Calf and wounded a Cow belonging to Government at Sydmouth Valley; but it is apprehended they will kill a great many more before they can be secured or taken.
Mr. Arkell made me a Present of a young Emu, about Ten days old, which he had caught in and brought from the New discovered Country. ---
We returned to Camp again at 1/2 past 4 o'clock, having rode in the course of this day's Excursion 22 miles.
We sat down to a good Dinner at Half past 5 o'clock, the Revd. Mr. Fulton having joined our Party and dined with us. -- Between 7 and 8 o'clock, when drinking our Tea, I had the happiness of receiving 2 Letters (dated Monday and Tuesday) from my dearest Mrs. M. giving good and pleasing accounts of herself and our beloved Infant. ---
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