Thursday 12 Octr.
Got up very early this morning, and Breakfasted precisely at 6 o'clock, so as to send off the Servants and Baggage as soon as possible for Parramatta; it being my intention to return back to Sydney this day, not being able to prosecute my Tour of Inspection any farther at present. -- The Servants and Baggage were accordingly sent off at Half past 8 o'clock, and myself and Suite set out soon afterwards, proceeding by the New Western Road now constructing to within two miles of the Eastern Creek, when we struck off to the Left to Rooty-Hill for the purpose of inspecting the Government Stock there -- and also the House now erecting for the accommodation of Mr. Arkell the Principal Overseer of the Government Stock; in which House there are to be reserved two distinct Rooms for my accommodation and that of the Supdt. of the Govt. Stock, at any time we may have occasion to pass or halt here to see the Cattle. -- Having viewed the House and also examined the Cattle, which last we found in tolerable good condition, I took leave of Mr. Cox and the rest of the gentlemen of the Party who wished to go to their respective Farms or Homes, I proceed in the Carriage to Parramatta. -- Before leaving Rooty Hill, I made the necessary arrangement with Mr. Cox for sending a Trusty Party of men well armed, in whom we could confide, to the New Country in pursuit of the 8 Runaway Convicts -- and for the purpose of apprehending them there if possible. ---
I reached Parramatta at 11 o'clock this forenoon; and having rested the Horses there for 3 Hours, I left it again at 2 o'clock for Sydney; where I arrived at 1/2 past 3 o'clock, and found all that are most dear to me in good Health and Spirits; no Public event of any consequence having occured during the ten days I have been absent. I travelled this day 36 miles, and during the whole of this Tour 277 miles! ---
Number of Miles Rode during Tour to the Interior in Octr. 1815 ---
No. miles |
Tuesdy. 3d Ocr. |
38 |
Wedy. 4th do. |
28 |
Thursdy. 5th do. |
30 |
Fridy. 6th do. |
38 |
Saty. 7th do. |
30 |
Sundy. 8th do. |
22 |
Mondy. 9th do. |
18 |
Tuesdy. 10th do. |
15 |
Wedy. 11th do. |
22 |
Thursdy. 12th do. |
36 |
Total 277 |
[Note in pencil]
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