Tuesday 10 Ocr.
Breakfasted as usual at a little after 6 o'clock this morning, and sent off our Servants and Baggage at 8 for our next intended Encamping Ground at Capt. Woodroff's Farm on the River Nepean. -- We set out ourselves at 1/4 past 8 o'clock; and passing through the Farms belonging to Mrs. Birch, Mr. Fowler, Mr. George Palmer, Mr. Jno. Palmer, Daley, Mr. Brooks, Mr. John Blaxland, MacDonald and Mr. George Cox, we arrived at the principal Farm belonging to Mr. Cox Senr. at Mulgoa, where we halted for about an Hour; having met Mrs. Cox here very unexpectedly, and who had an excellent cold collation prepared for us. -- After sufficiently resting ourselves at Mulgoa, we pursued our Journey passing through the Farms belonging to Doctr. Luttrell and his Family, Mr. Quin, the Revd. Mr. Cartwright, the Revd. Mr. Fulton and Sir John Jamison, we arrived at our camp on Capt. Woodroff's Farm on the side of a pretty Lagoon of Fresh Water at 3 o'clock, where our Servants and Baggage had arrived some time before us. -- We only rode about 15 miles this Day, having travelled very slowly. ---
Soon after we had entered the Tract of Land called Mulgoa, we ascended a very high Ridge or Hill forming the western extremity of Mr. Henry Cox's Farm, from the summit of which there is a very grand extensive prospect of all the Country to the Eastward and Southward towards the Sea Coast, and from which we could distinctly see Prospect-Hill, Mount Hunter, and Mount Taurus. ---
On our arrival at our present Encampment I sent to invite the Revd. Mr. Fulton the Chaplain of Castlereagh (which is only distant 3 miles from the Camp) to come to Dine with us. -- He accordingly joined our Party, and we sat down to an excellent Dinner at 1/2 past 5 o'clock. Mr. Fulton had come up from Sydney three days before, but brings no news of any kind from thence. ---
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