Thursday 27. April !
Sent off our heavy Baggage at 1/2 past 7 o'clock this morning from Spring-Wood. Breakfasted ourselves at 1/2 past 8, and set out in the Carriage at 1/2 past Ten on our Journey. -- For the first few miles the Road was through an open Forest and very good -- but we soon came to a very hilly broken Country and rough stony Road, especially on reaching "The Bluff Bridge", it being very bad and hilly from thence for Five Miles, with heavy pulls up steep Hills for the Cattle and Carriages, which rendered it a severe and fatiguing day's work for them. In the course of this day's Ride we had very fine and extensive views of the adjacent low Country towards Windsor, Parramatta, and Prospect, especially from Kealy's Pile, which I named "Kealy's Repulse", and from a very beautiful Table Land, which last I have named "The King's Table-Land". -- This Table Land is extremely beautiful and has very fine Picturesque grand scenery -- consisting of deep finely wooded Glens, stupendous Rocks & Cliffs, with high distant Hills and Mountains. From the King's Table Land, we could distinctly see Windsor and some of the Reaches of the River Hawkesbury. -- We did not arrive at the 2d Dept till 5 o'clock, distant from our last stage 16 miles, and here we halted for the Night. -- Owing to the badness of the Road the last of our Baggage did not get up with us till 8 o'clock -- which obliged us to delay dining till then.
The 2d Dept is situated in a very pretty looking Valley very well watered -- but without much good Feed for Cattle.
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