Wednesday 26. April.
Got up early and set out from Mrs. King's Farm at 7 o'clock this morning for Sir Jno. Jamison's Farm of Regent-Ville on the Left Bank of the River Nepean, where we had engaged to Breakfast. -- We arrived here at 8 o'clock after a ride of 6 miles from Mrs. King's. We sent our Carriage and Horses to cross the River a mile lower down at Emu Ford. -- We found Secretary Campbell and Mr. Oxley waiting for us at Sir Jno. Jamison's. -- Sir John gave us a very hearty good Breakfast, and after resting ourselves at Regent-Ville for a couple of Hours, we crossed the River from thence to Emu Plains in the Government Boat Pheasant, Sir John accompanying us and now making one of our Party.
Our Carriage and Horses were waiting for us at the Government Stock-Yard on Emu Plains; and the Government Herd of young Heifers having been collected there for the purpose by Mr. Hassall, we stopt [sic] for a little to inspect and look at them; after which we pursued our Journey across Emu-Plains. -- Mrs. Macquarie and myself mounted our Horses at the Three Mile Tree from Emu Ford, which is immediately at the foot of the Mountains, at Half past 12 o'clock, and we continued our Journey up the Mountain, the ascent of which is pretty steep and sharp for about 3 quarters of a mile, and then we proceeded on a gentle aclivity as far as the First Dept , distant 6 miles from Emu Ford, which we reached at 1 o'clock and stopt [sic] there for about a quarter of an Hour. -- Here a Corporal and 3 Privates of the Royal Veteran Company are stationed.---
Mr. Hassall and Mr. George Cox, son of Wm. Cox Esqr. accompanied us as far as the 1st Dept and there took their leave of us. -- From the 1st Dept we continued our Journey through an open Hilly Forest with gentle ascents and descents occasionally, for six miles -- but the Road very good all the way. -- We then Halted at three o'clock in a very pretty wooded Plain near a Spring of very good fresh Water, and Pitched our Tent near the side of the Road. This stage is 12 miles from Emu Ford and our first on the Mountains. -- The Place being very pretty I have named it "Spring-Wood". ----- We dined at 1/2 past 4 -- and Played Cards in our Tent in the Evening, Drinking Tea afterwards; -- retiring to rest at an early Hour.---
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