Friday 28. April !
Got up early and took a walk forward for a mile to look at the Road. -- Sent off the Baggage between 7 and 8 o'clock. -- Breakfasted at 8 o'clock, and set out in the Carriage at 9 o'clock. -- This day's Stage was over a hilly high Country, but the Road was very good and easy for the Cattle and Carriages. -- On the left we passed a very extensive deep romantic Glen, full of very Picturesque and wild Scenery. -- It commenced at the 33d Mile Tree and continues all the way from thence to the 41 Mile Tree, where we halted for this day, being 13 miles from our last Halting Place at the 2d Dept . --Here we found tolerable good Feed for our Cattle and plenty of fresh water -- it being an open Forest. -- We arrived at our Ground at the 41 Mile Tree at 3 o'clock. Dined at 5, Drank Tea at 7, and went to Bed between 9 and 10 o'clock. -- I named the Grand and Picturesque extensive Glen we passed this day on our left "The Regent's Glen" in Honor of H.R. Highness the Prince Regent ---
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