Your College offer - Term 6

Your College offer - Term 6

Important notice

Congratulations on receiving an offer to study at Macquarie! If you are unable to complete the "First time log in", please contact our IT Service Desk on  (02) 9850 4357 or email

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Welcome to the Macquarie University College, our pathway College!

If you’re accepting your offer as a domestic student at the College, you’re in the right place!

Accessibility services

If you need help with any part of your enrolment due to disability, you can register with our Accessibility service. Assistance is available to help complete the on-campus process and for support throughout your studies.

Let's get started! Refer to the Checklist and then follow Steps 1 - 3 to complete your enrolment.


Domestic College Enrolment Checklist

Follow this checklist to complete your enrolment.


Accept your Offer

Check Box

Retrieve and activate your Student ID in Step 1.

Check Box

Refer to your Enrolment Guide and University language in Step 2.

Check Box

Log in to eStudent in Step 3. There you can:
   1. Accept your Offer. 
   2. It is recommended that you provide your Unique Student Identifier (USI) prior to enrolment. Refer to Step 1 for further information. 
   3. Submit your FEE-HELP form if you are a Standard Foundation or Intensive program student or your Commonwealth Assistance and HECS-HELP form (eCAF) if you are Diploma program or Undergraduate Certificate student and/or pay your fees.

Not sure which forms you need to submit? Check out this handy guide for more information

Check Box

If you have undertaken any previous studies and want them recognised towards your program, you can
apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Enrol in units and select your timetable 

Check Box

Log in to eStudent and do the following:

1. Check and update your personal details.
2.If you are studying the Standard Foundation or Intensive Program, you will need to select a stream as part of your enrolment. Check out our handy guide before you select your stream.
3. Students are required to study the units in each course in a particular order that is prescribed by MUIC. To know which units you should study in your first term, check out our handy enrolment guides and watch the Tutorial Video.
4. Register in classes and create your timetable.

Check Box

Check out the eStudent tutorial series, should you need any extra help!

Getting ready for your first day 

Check Box

Log in to your student email via You will receive your email address when completing your first time log in.

Check Box

Log in to iLearn and access your Faculty support information as well as your learning materials
for each of your units.

Check Box

Once you have enrolled in units, you can get your campus card online via CaptureMe, which enables you to take and submit your own photo for your Macquarie University campus card.

You can log in to CaptureMe using your OneID. 

Find out more information about getting your campus card here.

Have a question?

Need more information? Search our knowledge base.

Step 1

Find your student ID

Received a letter of offer from Macquarie?

Your 8-digit student ID is at the top of your offer letter. You'll need this to accept your offer and enrol.

Applied through UAC?

Enter your UAC Number or your 8-digit MLA application number (this is the number you received upon submission of your application) and your date of birth below to retrieve your Student ID (OneID).

Activate your Student ID

If you are a new student at Macquarie University, you will need to activate your Student ID before you can access Macquarie University systems. Click on the button below to activate your Student ID.

First time log in

Create your Unique Student Identifier (USI)

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number issued by the Australian Government. If you are commencing in 2021, you will need to provide your USI to the University and it is recommended that you do this after you accept your offer in eStudent. If you are not able to provide this after acceptance, it will not prevent your enrolment.

Create USI

Once you have created your USI, you will need to provide this number to us. Log in to eStudent >  Click on ‘Forms’  >  select ‘Update/Enter Unique Student Identifier (USI)’ – New   >  click on ‘Fill out’ to complete this task. You must provide this by the Census Date of your first study period at Macquarie to be able to enrol, graduate and receive your award. Visit USI webpage, for more information.

Step 2

Enrolment Guides

Students are required to study the units for their course in a particular order prescribed by Macquarie University College. View the Enrolment guide of your course (see below) to find which units you should enrol in your first term. You can then enrol and register into those units via eStudent.

Our eStudent tutorial playlist has a series of tutorials to help you navigate eStudent – including videos for enrolling and creating your timetable.

Standard Foundation Program

Intensive Program

Diploma of Arts, Media and Communication

Diploma of Business

Diploma of Business Analytics

Diploma of Commerce

Diploma of Commerce (Actuarial Studies articulation only)

Diploma of Engineering

Diploma of Information Technology

Diploma of Marketing and Media

Diploma of Software Engineering

Masters Qualifying Program in Business (Standard)

Masters Qualifying Program in Business (Accelerated)

Masters Qualifying Program in Information Technology (Standard)

Masters Qualifying Program in Information Technology (Accelerated)

Get to know the language

You'll find the following terms useful to navigate your way through your offer and enrolment process.

Attendance mode

The attendance mode for Intensive program, Standard Foundation program and Diploma program students is on-campus. Classes are taught face-to-face and learning resources can be accessed via iLearn.


A degree is a qualification awarded by a university. It's awarded for successful work at undergraduate (bachelor degree) or postgraduate (higher degree e.g. Masters) level.

Credit point

Each unit is worth a specified number of credit points. Each unit is worth 10 credit points.


These programs are equivalent to the first year of a bachelor degree. Once successfully completed, you can then move into the second year of a degree at Macquarie.


Programs include a certain amount of elective units which you can select from any faculty, as long as you meet the entry requirements of the unit (the prerequisites).


The University is divided into five key subject areas called faculties. Each program falls under one of the five faculties. To see what faculty in which a program falls, visit the Handbook.

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering (FOSE)
  • Faculty of Medicine, Health and Health Sciences (FOMHHS)
  • Faculty of Arts (FOA)
  • Macquarie Business School

The Handbook sets out the requirements for your program, as well as the majors and units available for study.

You must follow the Handbook of the year you started your program. This is to ensure you meet all the requirements necessary for you to graduate.

Intensive program/ Standard Foundation program

These programs equip you with the skills and capabilities you need to enter the first year of a Macquarie University bachelor degree.

Prerequisite Units or a requirement that must be met for you to enrol in a unit.
Required unit

A required unit is compulsory to complete your program.

Study mode

Domestic students have the option to study two or even one unit per term.                               International students will study a full-time load. This is 2 units per term.


The College programs academic calendar is divided into 7 week terms.

  • Term 1: February - March
  • Term 2: April - May
  • Term 3: May - July
  • Term 4: July - September
  • Term 5: October - November
  • Term 6: December- January

A unit is a subject studied within a program. An Intensive program, Standard Foundation program or Diploma program unit is worth 10 credit points.

The letters represent whether the units are Foundation (WF) or Diploma (W). The subject area of the unit can be found in the Handbook. The first number represents the year and level of understanding required for this unit.

For example, WACT1001 Finance 1A, is a 1000 level unit for Finance.

  • WACT - Subject area
  • 1001 - Year level

Upon the successful completion of this unit, you will have the knowledge to attempt higher level units in a bachelor degree.

Weighted Average Mark (WAM) Your WAM is an average of all of the marks achieved in all units of your course and is a mark out of 100.

Step 3

Ready to get started?

Log in to eStudent to accept your offer. You can then click on the My Enrolment tab and complete your enrolment.


If you do need help navigating eStudent, check out the eStudent tutorial series.

Experiencing issues logging in?

Try doing the following:

  • Try a different browser or
  • Clear your browser cache

You can also contact IT Service Desk in one of the following ways:

  • Log a ticket 24x7 using OneHelp
  • By phone: Direct: +61 2 9850-HELP (4357)    Australian Toll-free: 1800-MQHELP (1800 67 4357)
  • Email:
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