Deferring an offer

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  2. Study
  3. Admissions and entry
  4. Deferring an offer
Future Students
Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
Contact your Admissions Officer to arrange a deferral New domestic students can request deferment online

Postpone the start of your course

As a new commencing domestic student, you can request to defer your offer of admission to a later admission period.

You can request a deferral of your coursework offer for up to one year. Macquarie holds your place for you to start your course in a later term, session or year.

In limited circumstances, a deferred offer may be extended for an additional year (ie for a total of two years). Each application is assessed individually.

How to defer

Deferment request for Session 1 2025 offers have closed on the session one census date, 21 March 2025.

If you have

Action to take

Received an offer, but not yet accepted

Submit an online Deferment Request Form

Accepted an offer, but not yet enrolled

Submit an online Deferment Request Form

Accepted an offer and enrolled

Prior to submitting your request, you will need to:

Previously deferred your offer for a session, have been made a new offer and now wish to defer again for the maximum two sessions (12 months)

Submit an online Deferment Request Form

Your deferral request cannot be considered if:

  • you are currently enrolled in any units under the course offer you wish to defer. You will need to withdraw from these units via eStudent
  • your request was submitted after the census date of your currently offered intake
  • you are a current Macquarie student in your second or later session of study. If you wish to take a break from study, you will need to apply for a Leave of Absence.

After you have applied

Once you have requested a deferral, we will review your request and provide you with an outcome, usually within 5–7 business days.

If your application is:

  • approved for 2025, you will receive a new offer
  • approved to defer until 2026, you will receive a notification of your deferment request outcome and a new offer in March 2025.

Important information

Deferment is available for most coursework courses:

  • for one term for College courses
  • for up to one year for most undergraduate courses
  • for up to one year for many postgraduate courses.

Deferment is not available for:

  • a previously deferred offer
  • articulation into a bachelor degree or higher college certificate from a pathway program ie Macquarie University College, Next Step pathway and TAFE
  • offers received through the Macquarie internal Undergraduate Course Transfer
  • cross-institutional studies
  • Diploma of Languages
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with Professional Practice (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours)
  • postgraduate Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) offers
  • postgraduate competitive degrees such as Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Physiotherapy or postgraduate psychology degrees.


  • Applications for deferment must be submitted prior to your current offer’s census date
  • Check Coursefinder to see if your degree is available to commence in the session you wish to commence.
  • Ensure you are not enrolled in any units at the time you apply for deferment
  • If you wish to defer to 2026, new offers for approved deferments will be sent out in March 2025
  • Extensions of deferment beyond maximum deferment will only be considered in serious and documented special circumstances.