Your undergraduate offer

Your undergraduate offer

Important notice

Congratulations on receiving an offer to study at Macquarie! If you are unable to complete the "First time log in", please contact our IT Service Desk on  (02) 9850 4357 or email

If you’re accepting your offer as a domestic student in a bachelor or diploma of languages program, you’re in the right place!

Accessibility support

If you need help with any part of your enrolment due to disability, you can register with our Accessibility service. Assistance is available to help complete the on-campus process and for support throughout your studies.

Follow the steps to accept your offer and complete your enrolment.

1. First time login

You will need to use your Macquarie ID and password to access Macquarie systems and resources.

Find your Student ID (One ID)

Applied through UAC?
Enter your UAC Number or your 8-digit MLA application number (this is the number you received upon submission of your application) and your date of birth below to retrieve your Student ID (OneID).

Received a direct letter of offer from Macquarie?
Your 8-digit student ID (OneID) is at the top of your offer letter. You'll need this to accept your offer and enrol.

Complete your first time log in

If you are a new student, you will need to complete your first time log In before you can access Macquarie University systems.

First time log in

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