Explore the links below for a range of information on our climate adaptation research.
Final Reports
Using plant traits to assess adaptive capacity of plants to climate change
Threatened species climate change vulnerability
Using range metrics to assess plants at risk
Developing a spectral library for weeds in alpine vegetation communities
Dispersal capacity of freshwater biodiversity under climate change
Metabolism and microbial diversity in floodplain wetlands
Assisted colonisation as a climate change adaptation tool
Assisted Colonisation. Appendix 1: Established flora translocations in Australia
Assisted Colonisation. Appendix 2: Global experimental assisted colonisations
Assisted Colonisation. Appendix 3: Review of flora translocations
Assisted Colonisation. Appendix 4: Review of fauna translocations
Guides & education resources
Bandjalang cultural calendar - Education booklet
Climate change and culturally significant species in Minyumai Indigenous Protected Area
Climate-ready revegetation guide for natural resource managers
Information Sheets
Blackman C J, Creek D, Maier C, Aspinwall M J, Drake J E, Pfautsch S, O’Grady A, Delzon S, Medlyn B E, Tissue D T, Choat B (2019) Drought response strategies and hydraulic traits contribute to mechanistic understanding of plant dry-down to hydraulic failure Tree Physiology 39:6, 910–924
Dudley A, Butt N, Auld T D, & Gallagher R (2019) Using traits to assess threatened plant species response to climate change Biodiversity and Conservation 28:1905–1919
Fahey M, Rossetto M, Wilson PD, Ho S W Y (2019) Habitat preference differentiates the Holocene range dynamics but not barrier effects on two sympatric, congeneric trees (Tristaniopsis, Myrtaceae) Heredity 123, 532–548
Graham V, Beaumont L, Baumgartner J, Esperón-Rodríguez M, Robinson M, Hughes L and Grech A (2019) Prioritising the protection of climate refugia: designing a climate-ready protected area network Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62:14, 2588-2606
Laws C A, Hancock N and Leishman M R (2019) Using the scientific listing process to better understand climate change risk to threatened species and ecological communities in New South Wales Pacific Conservation Biology 26, 173-181
Le Breton T D, Zimmer H C, Gallagher R V, Cox M, Allen S, & Auld T D (2019) Using IUCN criteria to perform rapid assessments of at-risk taxa Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 863–883
Li X, Blackman C J, Choat B, Rymer P D, Medlyn B E, Tissue D T (2019) Drought tolerance traits do not vary across sites differing in water availability in Banksia serrata (Proteaceae) Functional Plant Biology 46: 624-633
Li X, Blackman C J, Peters J M R, Choat B, Rymer P D, Medlyn B E, Tissue D T (2019) More than iso/anisohydry: hydroscapes integrate plant water-use and drought tolerance traits in ten eucalypt species from contrasting climates. Functional Ecology 33: 1035– 1049
Blackman C J, Li X, Choat B, Rymer P, De Kauwe MG, Duursma RA, Tissue DT, Medlyn BE (2019) Desiccation time during drought is highly predictable across species of Eucalyptus from contrasting climates New Phytologist 224: 632-643
Baumgartner J B, Esperon-Rodriguez M, Beaumont L J (2018) Identifying in situ climate refugia for plant species Ecography 41: 1850-1863
Butt N, & Gallagher R (2018) Using species traits to guide conservation actions under climate change Climatic Change 151: 317-332
Choat B, Brodribb T J, Brodersen C R, Duursma R A, Lopez R, Medlyn B E (2018) Triggers of tree mortality under drought Nature 558: 531–539
Duursma R A, Blackman C, López R, Martin-St Paul N, Cochard H, Medlyn B E (2018) On the minimum leaf conductance: its role in models of plant water use, and ecological and environmental controls New Phytologist 221: 693-705
Li X, Blackman C J, Choat B, Duursma R A, Rymer P D, Medlyn B E, Tissue D T (2018) Tree hydraulic traits are co-ordinated and strongly linked to climate-of-origin across a rainfall gradient Plant, Cell and Environment 41: 646– 660
Li X, Blackman C J, Rymer P D, Quintans D, Duursma R A, Choat B, Medlyn B E, Tissue DT (2018) Xylem embolism measured retrospectively is linked to canopy dieback in natural populations of Eucalyptus piperita following drought Tree Physiology 38: 1193–1199
Bishop M J Mayer-Pinto M, Airoldi L, Firth, L B, Morris, R L, Loke L H L, Hawkins, S J, Naylor L A, Coleman R A, Chee S Y, Dafforn K A (2017) Effects of ocean sprawl on ecological connectivity: impacts and solutions Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 492: 7-30
Bush A & Hoskins A J (2017) Does dispersal capacity matter for freshwater biodiversity under climate change? Freshwater Biology 62 382-396
De Kauwe, M. G., Medlyn, B. E., Knauer, J. and Williams, C. A. (2017) Ideas and perspectives: How coupled is the vegetation to the boundary layer? Biogeosciences 14: 4435-4453
Heery E C, Bishop M, Critchley L, Bugnot A B, Airoldi L, Mayer-Pinto M, Sheehan E V, Coleman R A, Loke L H L, Johnston E L, Komyakova V, Morris, R L, Strain E M A, Naylor L A & Dafforn K A (2017) Identifying the consequences of ocean sprawl for sedimentary habitats Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 492: 31-48
Ukkola A, Haughton N, De Kauwe M G, Abramowitz G and Pitman A (2017) FluxnetLSM R package (v1.0): A community tool for processing FLUXNET data for use in land surface modelling Geoscientific Model Development 10: 3379-3390
Drake J E, Tjoelker M G, Aspinwall M J, Reich P B, Barton C V M, Medlyn B E & Duursma R A (2016) Does physiological acclimation to climate warming stabilize the ratio of canopy respiration to photosynthesis? New Phytologist 211: 850–863
Ukkola A M, Pitman A J, Decker M, Abramowitz G, De Kauwe M G, Kala J and Wang Y-P (2016) Modelling evapotranspiration during precipitation deficits: identifying critical processes in a land surface model Hydrological and Earth System Sciences 20: 2403-2419
Ukkola A M, De Kauwe M G, Pitman A J, Best M J, Haverd V, Decker M, Abramowitz G and Haughton N (2016) Land surface models systematically overestimate the intensity, duration and magnitude of seasonal-scale evaporative droughts Environmental Research Letters 11: 104012
Gallagher R V, Makinson R O, Hogbin P T & Hancock N (2015) Assisted colonization as a climate change adaptation tool Austral Ecology 40: 12-20
Hancock N & Gallagher R V (2015) How ready are we to move species threatened from climate change? Insights into the assisted colonization debate from Australia Austral Ecology 39: 830-838
Roger E, Duursma D E, Downey P O, Gallagher R V, Hughes L, Steel J, Johnson S B, Leishman M R (2015) A tool to assess potential for alien plant establishment and expansion under climate change Journal of Environmental Management 159 121-127
Duursma D E, Gallagher R V, Roger E, Hughes L, Downey P O & Leishman M R (2013) Next-generation invaders? Hotspots for naturalised sleeper weeds in Australia under future climates PLoS One 8 e84222