Scholarships and academic advice

Scholarships and academic advice

Scholarship information is available via the Graduate Research Academy Scholarship webpage.

Information about HDR scholarship funding for Indigenous Australians can be found in our Scholarship Search webpage.

Graduate Research Academy
Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109

Phone: +61 2 9850 4741

Make a booking

If you would like to make a booking to see a staff member about your application, candidature or scholarship, you can book an online consultation. You can make a booking between 9am-3pm, Monday- Friday. Both face-to-face and online consultations are available.

Academic Advice is available from the following people in the Macquarie Medical School:

PositionNameContact details
HDR Director/MRes AdvisorProfessor Thomas Fath
+61 2 9850 2640
HDR Director/MRes AdvisorDr Jennifer Rowland
+61 2 9850 2738
General EnquiriesGraduate Research
+61 2 9850 4741
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