Master of Research (MRes)

Master of Research (MRes)

Program structure

The two-year program is available in all of Macquarie’s research areas, allowing you access to a variety of disciplines so you can construct a program relevant to your specific interests, subject to academic approval.

In the first year, you will undertake advanced coursework units including the study of research frontiers in your area of study. If you successfully complete Year 1 and decide not to continue, you can exit the program with a Bachelor of Philosophy.

The second year is a masters-level postgraduate research training program. You will specialise in research preparation and focus on a specific research topic. You are required to submit a thesis of 20,000 words for completion.

Standard admission requirements

You must have a bachelor degree from a recognised institution, at a specified level of performance – usually the equivalent of a credit average (65 per cent) in your final year (or 300-level).

Some disciplines may have extra admission requirements, such as a portfolio of work or a higher level of performance of bachelor study. If you hold an honours degree or a masters degree, you may apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) of up to 32 credit points (Year 1). This may allow you to complete the Master of Research in less than two years.

Click here to view entry requirements.

Exchange program

The Master of Research Exchange Program provides you with opportunities to undertake international experiences during your studies. If you continue on to a PhD, opportunities include research collaboration with international universities under our cotutelle and joint PhD programs.

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