Our people

Our people

Group leader

Photo of Andrew Piggott

Andrew Piggott

Associate Professor
School of Natural Sciences

Phone: +61 2 9850 8251

Research in my group spans the exciting and challenging interface between chemistry and biology. We are particularly interested in exploring the extraordinary chemical and structural diversity of natural products and using these molecules as new drug leads and as probes to elucidate biochemical and cellular pathways. Qualifications BMedScs (Hons) Macq,...View full profile in our Researcher's database


Photo of John Kalaitzis

Dr John Kalaitzis

School of Natural Sciences

Qualifications B.App.Sci. (Hons) W. Sydney, Ph.D Griffith, MRACI CChem Employment 2018-               Research Fellow, Macquarie University 2018-2021       Snr Res Scientist, Microbial Screening Technologies, Sydney 2017-2017       Research Assistant, Western Sydney University 2016-2017       Research Associate, Fukui Prefectural University, Japan 2007-2017       Research Associate, University of New South Wales...View full profile in our Researcher's database

Postgraduate students

Photo of Shalini Tirunagari

Ms Shalini Tirunagari

Photo of Mahmud Morshed

Mr Mahmud Morshed

Australian Proteome Analysis Facility (APAF)

Photo of Michael Cowled

Mr Michael Cowled

(2015) Bachelor of Advanced Science (Chemistry major) - Isolation and semi-synthesis of enterocin analogues as novel antibiotics Read more

Photo of Ruchi Mehta

Ms Ruchi Mehta

MQRTP Scholarship Holder - Yeast display as a platform technology to accelerate anti-parasitic drug discovery & development

Past group members

Photo of Jenny Vo

Ms Jenny Vo

(2014) Postdoctoral Fellow - Construction of phage and yeast display libraries. Read more

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