

Our mission

Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing efforts are essential to the global fight against crime and terrorism. As criminals and terrorists continue to raise money using a variety of means, including new technologies, countries and corporations must make it a priority to understand the risks they face and to develop comprehensive and effective policy responses.

Disrupting financial flows and transactions is one of the most effective ways to fight crime and terrorism. Not only can this disruption prevent future attacks by blocking material support, it can also provide information on illicit purchases, withdrawals and other financial transactions that can be invaluable for ongoing investigations.

How we do it

The Financial Integrity Hub drives transformative change through interdisciplinary and future-focused research that provides cutting-edge solutions to the global challenge of financial crime. By working with our partners, the FIH aims to be a leading think tank with:

  • publications
  • a quarterly podcast
  • seminars
  • and a yearly symposium to enhance financial integrity.

A leader in the field

The establishment of FIH is particularly timely, given the rate of financial innovation globally and the crisis in financial crime. Researchers, financial institutions, corporations, fintech companies, non‐government organisations and members of the community have called for a better understanding of this situation.

There is wide acceptance that financial innovation benefits the economy, that start-ups play an important role in changing the landscape of innovation activities, and that collaboration between banks and start-ups is driving this innovation. Yet there is a lack of discussion of the impact of the anti-money laundering and counter- terrorism regime on financial innovation and the risks and benefits to society.

FIH is independent and focuses exclusively on the integrity of financial systems and compliance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing domestic and global regime. There is currently no other research centre of this kind in Australia.

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