

Given the current situation with COVID-19, stream events for the first half of 2020 have been postponed or cancelled.

Past Events

Sydney Feminist History Group

A monthly seminar series held in central Sydney currently organised by members of the discipline of Modern History at MQ. On hold at present, but due to return!  For more info, join the Sydney Feminist History Facebook Group.

Rethinking Second-Wave Feminism: New Histories of Australian Women’s Liberation and Beyond

Organisers: Isobelle Barrett Meyering and Leigh Boucher

January 2020

Recent years have seen a flourishing of new historical research on second-wave feminism in Australia, this workshop brought scholars together from MQ, Australia and the UK to take stock of recent developments in the area and critically reflect on the historical frameworks we use when writing about this period.

The Nightingale: Gender, Race and Troubled Histories on Screen

Organisers: Michelle Arrow and James Findlay

December 2019

A one-day symposium that brought together scholars from MQ and across Australia to consider the gender, racial and sexual politics of Jennifer Kent’s controversial film, The Nightingale. Papers from this symposium will be published in Studies in Australasian Cinema in the middle of 2020.

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