Our projects
Anthem Handbook of Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in the Age of AI
Editors: Naren Chitty, Craig Hayden, Henrik Ohnesorge and Chenjun Wang
Scheduled for publication in 2026
Anthem Studies in Soft Power and Public Diplomacy
Series Editor: Naren Chitty
The Journal of International Communication
Editor-in-Chief (1994-2024): Naren Chitty
The journal has been rested. See 'Taking a Bow'.
The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power 2nd Edition
Edited by Naren Chitty, Lilian Ji, Gary Rawnsley
The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power 1st Edition
Edited by Naren Chitty, Lilian Ji, Gary Rawnsley and Craig Hayden
How Does Soft Power Work? Neural Mechanisms of Attraction-Based Influence
University of Bonn Grant Scheme:. Transdisciplinary Research Area “Individuals, Institutions and Societies” (TRA4)
Status: 2023 round for research commencing in 12/2023, project currently running. A$ 60,000.
Dr. Hendrik Ohnesorge, Managing Director and Research Fellow, Center for Global Studies
PD Dr Johannes Schultz, Acting Head, Center for Economics & Neuroscience, Principal Investigator at Institute for Experimental Epileptology & Cognition Research
Dr. Holger Gerhardt, Postdoctoral Researcher, CENs—Center for Economics and Neuroscience and Department of Economics, and Lab Manager, BonnEconLab,
Professor Emeritus Naren Chitty AM, Inaugural Director, Soft Power Analysis & Resource Centre
Soft power and migration
Funded by SPARC
- Dr. Dalbir Ahlawat, Department of Security Studies and Criminology
- Professor Emeritus Naren Chitty AM, Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature,
- Associate Professor Julian Droogan, Department of Security Studies and Criminology
- Dr. Maryam Khalid, Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature,
- Professor Emeritus Martina Mollering, Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature,
- Dr. Eva Schmidt, Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature,
Focus Group data from this project has been analyzed in the following chapter:
Chitty, Naren & Chenjun Wang (2023). 'Assaying experience of soft power: CALD community narratives in New South Wales in the COVID-19 pandemic times', In Chitty, Naren, Li Ji & Gary Rawnsley, (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power, 2nd edition N.Y.: Routledge.
Abstract: Focus groups were conducted in Greater Western Sydney (New South Wales, both CALD magnets) with social workers and migrant community organization members, to find out what attracted Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) migrants to Australia, how they experienced Australian life (particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic) and what Australian and overseas media attracted them, Authors conducted narrative analysis, using codes from the experiential theory of attraction-based influence, to uncover CALD participants’ experience of attraction. Expected attractions (with positive valence) were identified as were new attractions associated with Australia’s international ‘civic’ role and migrants’ civic opportunities in multicultural Australia. Authors discerned negative valence to a lesser degree.
Findings were also published in the following keynote address"
Chitty, Naren, 'Researching the underrepresented: Experiences of CALD communities during the pandemic', Global Communication Research Association (GCRA) online conference on Communication Research in Pandemic Times: Implications for theory-building and policy research', November 11, 2022.
China’s Soft Power: Objectives, Messaging and Reception
- Associate Professor Eric Louw (University of Queensland)
- Professor Emeritus Naren Chitty (Macquarie University)
- Dr Dalbir Ahlawat (Macquarie University)
Feedback was positive but the project was later deemed unfeasible. This coincided with alterred research consitions in China.
Engaging Chinese Media Project (2011)
This action research project was designed and implemented* by the Soft Power Research Group that preceded SPARC:
- Gill Boehringer
- Naren Chitty*
- Rhonda Davis*
- Kristina Everett*
- Qin Guo
- Gina Hammond
- Lyn Hicks
- Li Ji*
- Andrew Mack
- Paul Mazaros
- Maya Ranganathan
- Andrew Simpson
Funding agencies:
- Australia-China Council (ACC)
- Macquarie University Faculty of Arts
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
- Tsinghua International Center for Communication (TICC)
April - November 2011
Beijing, Canberra, Sydney
To map frames of Australia in the minds of Chinese journalists before and after being exposed to a two week informational and cultural program.
Four Chinese delegates from three Chinese national media (nominated by TICC) participated in a one-week program at Macquarie University followed by a one-week program at ABC that exposed them to aspects of Australian society.
Briefing topics:
Aboriginal culture, art, economics, education, media, technology, science.
Questionnaires were administered on three occasions to map how frames of Australia may have expanded during the program
- Tsinghua University - pre-departure focus group (April 2011)
- Macquarie University - commencement of program focus group (November 19)
- Macquarie University - pre-departure focus group (November 29)
Publication of results
Chitty, Naren & Ji Li. 2013. Engaging Chinese media project. Public Diplomacy Magazine. University of Southern California
Chitty, Naren & Ji Li 2015. Individual Frames of Australia: Engaging Chinese Media Project. In Naren Chitty & Luo Qing (Eds). China and the world: Theatres of Soft Power. Communication University of China Press.
* Selected program events in the Engaging Chinese Media Project
MACQUARIE PROGRAM (19th - 21st November 2011)
Daruganora Research-led learning program - Dr Kristina Everett.
- Chinese participants were introduced to the history of Australian Aboriginal people and culture. Dozens of Aboriginal people were invited to the lecture. The Daruganora Research-led learning program furnished the journalists with a fresh perspective on Aboriginal culture and arts. After the lecture, delegates participated in a 'World Café'. Delegates considered the program as informative and inspiring. Participants were also introduced to Aboriginal paintings on the Macquarie campus.
Top left: Tour of Macquarie University's state-of-the-art Library led by Librarian Ms Maxine Brody.
Top right: Briefing on Australian Higher Degree Research sector by Dr.Yi Ren, Director of Higher Degree Research at Macquarie University.
Bottom Right: Research workshop covering environmental science, innovation and technology, social and cultural inclusion, economic development and demographic change.
- Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Jim Piper, Professor Tim Flannery, Professor Stephen Crain, Professor Philip Newell, Professor Nick Mansfield, Associate Professor Fei Guo, Dr Peng Zhou, Likan Zhan, Dianlin Huang and Hau-Ren addressed the delegates.
Bottom left: Briefing on cardiology research in Australia and China by Head of Cardiology of Macquarie University Hospital and Clinic Professor Hosen Kiat.
Briefing on economic affairs - Mr. Maurice Newman AC (ABC Chairman & former Chairman of the Australian Stock Exchange).
Above: Visit to Art Gallery of NSW, exploration of The Rocks and Manly Beach.
Above: Visit to Canberra
Delegates had meetings with The Hon. Kevin Rudd MP(Minister of Foreign Affairs), The Hon. Julie Bishop MP (Shadow Foreign Minister). They also called on the Acting Chinese Ambassador. All this happened on the day President Barrack Obama visited Canberra, not long after he spoke in Parliament. Delegates visited the ACT Art Gallery as well.
ABC PROGRAM (22nd to 28th November 2011)
After a first day at the ABC of introductory briefings, including an overview of the Australian media landscape and the ABC's place within it, the delegates received detailed briefings on the different output areas of radio, television and online. The ABC's international service, Australia Network, and Radio Australia also spent time with the delegates. Radio Australia, which broadcasts and is online in 9 languages, made its Chinese Service editor available via videoconference from Melbourne.
The following couple of days were spent discussing editorial policies, with an emphasis on the ABC's obligation to report news fairly, independently and in a balanced way. Delegates met a number of political journalists, as well as well known program makers such as Robyn Williams and Geraldine Doogue. The meetings provided the delegates with an opportunity to further explore the ABC's program making and content creation processes.
The delegates watched 7.30 go live, to air, from the control room; and on a lighter note, watched a rehearsal of the ABC's successful children's program, Giggle & Hoot. Another highlight of the week at the ABC was a trip to ABC Newcastle, one of a network of 60 local ABC stations. Local staff showed the delegates the strong online presence of the station, and the delegates gained an understanding of the links between local stations and their communities.
The week also included a Charteris dinner with the Hon Kevin Rudd MP as the speaker, and a visit to the NSW Parliament House, where delegates met with the NSW Minister for Multicultural Affairs, and observed question time.