Soft Power Analysis & Resource Centre

Soft Power Analysis & Resource Centre

Soft Power Analysis & Resource Centre

Watch Professor Emeritus Joseph S. Nye Jr. inaugurating SPARC (2012) & more soft power videos at Macquarie University YouTube channel.

The SPARC 10 Year  Anniversary Soft Power Oration was delivered, on 16 November 2021 Sydney / 15 November 2021 Boston by Professor Emeritus Joseph S. Nye Jr. View the event here.

Joseph Nye

Working towards changing the world for good

SPARC seeks to investigate the theoretical underpinnings of soft power and its relationship with cultural diplomacy, diplomacy, international cultural relations, international relations, propaganda, and public diplomacy. SPARC researchers have developed an experiential theory of soft power, discussed in 'An experiential theory of attraction-based influence [unintended and intended]' (forthcoming in The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power 2nd edition). SPARC emphasizes  ethical use of soft power - categorized by dialogue and cooperation in building future relations between nations. organizations and communities - in a rules-based international order.

SPARC seeks to advance and enrich the study and practice of soft power and public diplomacy through:

  • research and analysis
  • public lectures, workshops and events
  • collaboration in projects
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