US Department of Defense (DoD)
Overview | The USA Department of Defense (DoD) funds a diverse array of innovative research through its grants program. Funding opportunities can be viewed via, the US grants portal. |
Key Dates | Key dates are located within each Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). The Macquarie University submission date is 4 weeks prior to the funding agency due date and requires the full draft application to be submitted via PURE. Changes to Eligibility for DVCR Co-Funding Eligibility for the DVCR Co-Funding Scheme is now contingent upon on-time submission of grant applications by the Macquarie University submission date. Many applications for external funding require cash and in-kind contributions from the host institution in order to be considered for funding. In most cases, researchers request cash contributions, such as project support funds, funding for research associates, scholarships, and major equipment, from the DVCR via the DVCR Co-Funding Scheme to support their external funding applications. To be eligible to request this DVCR Co-Funding, grant applications must be submitted internally, via Pure, by the Macquarie University submission date.
How to Apply | 1. Complete the MQ Notification Of Intent (NOI) 2. Communicate with the Funding Scheme Program Director 3. Create an eBRAP account (if you do not already have one) As Macquarie University is an extramural organisation (non-Department of Defense (DoD) organisation. E.G. academia, biotechnology companies, foundations, Government, and research institutes), applicants usually submit their pre-application content and forms via eBRAP and full application via 4. Access application from, review funding announcement and create a account (if you do not already have one) To create an account with click “register” in the top right-hand side of the webpage. To register as an MQ employee you will need to input our UEI/DUNS number which is 749953444. Macquarie University Research Services will approve investigator’s affiliation so to allow the application to progress. 5. Foreign Justification 6. Complete the Application For your sub-awardees (applications led by another institution) it is recommended that you download and send the forms directly to them to complete, especially the budget (R&R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form 5 YR 30 ATT). 7. Submit application in PURE 8. Submission to funder For sub-awardees (applications led by another institution), the MQ co-PI must submit completed documentations via PURE for HoD and ADR approval, see below. SUB-AWARDEES 1. Complete the Application forms, as directed by the lead institution 2. Submit application in PURE, with a note indicating when the lead institution has requested for the forms to be submitted to them 3. Submit to the lead institution when HoD and ADR approvals have been obtained in PURE. The MQ internal deadline for sub-awardees is 4 weeks prior to the funding agency due date. |
Resources | How-To Guides How to register with How to create a workspace Understanding the user roles Completing the forms in workspace Submitting an application in workspace Annotated Forms MQ Guide, Budget Templates and Salary Rates Guide to US Department of Defense Grant Applications DoD Budget Template for Applications Led by Macquarie University DoD Budget Template for Sub-Awardees MQ Salary Rates including on-costs (for proposals submitted in 2022) |
Contacts | In the first instance, contact your Faculty Research Office
Information and Compliance Strategic Advice (health and medical) Strategic Advice (non-health and medical) |