Science & nature

New research finds balance between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria in humans altered

10 September 2015

Researchers from Macquarie University released new findings this week about the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria that live inside the human …

Jigsaw puzzles in WA hold the keys to understanding the birth of our continent

9 September 2015

New research has found that the earth’s crust in Western Australia may provide a model for understanding how crusts are …

International recognition for Associate Professor Kirstie Fryirs

28 August 2015

Associate Professor Kirstie Fryirs of the Department of Environmental Sciences recently received the 2015 Gordon Warwick Medal at the British …

Professor David Raftos wins prestigious Eureka Prize for oyster research

27 August 2015

For work safeguarding and improving Australia’s iconic oyster industry, Professor David Raftos has been awarded the new Rural Research and …

Fallow deer are all about the bass when sizing up rivals

19 August 2015

Research led by Dr Ben Pitcher and published in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology, has found that fallow deer bucks …

New diamond laser 20 times more powerful

13 August 2015

Researchers from the MQ Photonics Research Centre joined with fiber laser experts from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and …

A (re)Generation of young storytellers for nature

11 August 2015

‘The (re)Generation Project’ recently launched a new program that puts power into the hands of young people to (re)generate an …

Macquarie University Planetary Research Centre celebrates launch

10 August 2015

Researchers and students gathered Friday, 7 August, at the Macquarie University Art Gallery for the launch of the Macquarie University …

Macquarie science students return to defend gold medal at global synthetic biology competition

7 August 2015

In September, undergraduate Biomolecular Science students from Macquarie University will be competing against their peers in the global scientific community …

Antibiotic pollution of waterways may create superbugs of tomorrow

6 August 2015

A team from Macquarie University has proved for the first time that even low concentrations of antibiotics are polluting waterways, …

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