Science & nature

New database gives scientists hope for helping coral reefs

7 April 2016

With the future of coral reefs threatened now more than ever, researchers have announced the release of a new global …

Macquarie astronomer designs NASA’s next generation spectrograph to search for habitable worlds around other stars

1 April 2016

Dr Christian Schwab from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Macquarie University has developed the optical design for NASA’s …

New evidence pushes back the time of disappearance of the Indonesian ‘hobbits’

31 March 2016

Eight years of further excavations and study at the Indonesian cave site of Liang Bua have pushed back the time …

‘Miner’s myth’ myth busters: exploring whether contamination in mining towns was always there

22 March 2016

A Macquarie University study has pursued multiple lines of evidence to bust the ‘miner’s myth’ that exists in Broken Hill …

Shark bytes: some sharks react more to stress, with potential impacts for humans

22 March 2016

Macquarie University researchers have discovered that some Port Jackson sharks have a greater reaction to stressful situations due to a …

Australia’s biggest student robotics competition facilitates and celebrates students’ achievements in science and engineering

21 March 2016

More than 1000 students from around the Asia-Pacific, united by a mutual love of science, technology, and engineering, recently attended …

Australia’s biggest robotics competition helps boost science and technology skills in students

7 March 2016

At a time when three out of four jobs in the fastest growing industries require science, technology, engineering and maths …

Fulbright scholarship awarded for honeybee research at Macquarie University

4 March 2016

Brian Entler from the Department of Biological Sciences and formerly of The University of Scranton in the United States has …

WHO cares about hearing health and why we should all… LISTEN UP!

3 March 2016

With a quarter of Australians set to face serious problems from hearing loss, it’s time for a new awareness campaign… …

Childhood exposure to environmental lead linked to aggressive behaviours and death by assault

17 February 2016

Australian children who are exposed to higher levels of environmental lead are more likely in early adulthood to show increased …

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