Science & nature

Dying in ancient Egypt: evidence of inflammation, infection and possible cancer

20 September 2016

As silent witnesses to the past, ancient Egyptian mummies can add to our knowledge of their society well beyond what …

Hopping mad: beachhopper survival affected by microplastics

9 September 2016

The interaction of large plastic items with marine animals is well known and documented. However, few studies have explored how …

Ice-aged Aboriginal art in the Kimberley

1 September 2016

Arguably the longest, most impressive and complex rock art sequence anywhere in the world can be found in the remote …

Parasite that gives people a real bellyache during summer also found in bats

10 August 2016

A new study from Macquarie University has found that a certain type of parasite which infects people in greater numbers …

Tapped out: Dangerous contaminations in NSW household water supplies

9 August 2016

A study by Macquarie University has detected both copper and lead contamination at the domestic consumer’s kitchen tap in 100 …

Scientists discover key identifier for suicide risk

3 August 2016

An international collaboration of research scientists in Australia, the United States and Sweden has identified a molecule in the blood …

Brilliant lasers: diamond provides new approach to ultra-pure frequency lasers

3 August 2016

A study by Macquarie University researchers has found a new way to make ultra-pure frequency lasers based on diamond that …

Plenty of fish in the sea: But what happens when the predators outnumber the prey?

1 August 2016

It stands to reason in a healthy environment that prey should always vastly outnumber the predators that eat them. But …

Macquarie University signs MOU with the US Cancer Moonshot program

21 July 2016

Macquarie University has signed a Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with the Obama Administration’s prestigious National Cancer Institute to help drive …

People who feel too specialised to transfer occupations may be at an increased risk of suicide-related thinking and behaviour

13 July 2016

People who believe their occupational skills are non-transferable to other professions are potentially at an increased risk of suicide-related thinking …

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