
Roommates not all they’re cracked up to be (if you’re a lizard)

3 May 2017

In a new study of lizard social behaviour, researchers at Macquarie University have discovered that despite their social nature, family-living …

He’s goat your back: goats can identify the calls of their goat friends

15 February 2017

Goats can tell the difference between a call from a familiar goat and a call from an unfamiliar goat The …

Zebrafish discovery could hold the key to better-understanding motor neurone disease

13 February 2017

Researchers used refined UV laser ‘ablation’ in living zebrafish to learn how MND progresses from one neurone to the next. …

First blood biomarker discovered for the prognosis of multiple sclerosis: quick, accurate and soon to be available

4 February 2017

Study led by Macquarie researchers has found the first blood biomarker for multiple sclerosis Biomarker blood test can discriminate between …

Australia the birthplace of birds nests? Move over Vegemite and the hills hoist

1 February 2017

The most common birds nests found today had their birthplace in Australia, and these nests may be key to many …

Newcastle’s toxic legacy: soil metals and hydrocarbons pose health risk

25 January 2017

Contaminating metals and hydrocarbons could be posing a significant health risk to residents of the industrial city of Newcastle Lead …

Completing the ~20,000 proteins that make us human

25 January 2017

The newly released MissingProteinPedia database collates information about proteins in unprecedented ways, allowing Human Proteome Project scientists to gain a …

Thank you for the music – or not: Are we affected by the music in our stores?

20 January 2017

The ubiquitous music heard across shopping centres, clothing stores, supermarkets, coffee shops and bars is widely thought to have positive …

Pumping Irony: Why going to the gym might actually make your muscles look smaller

11 January 2017

New Macquarie University study finds that exposure to images of muscly bodies can cause body shape misperception People can begin …

Intercultural spending: How ethnicity and religion can influence financial habits

9 January 2017

New study finds religious people and Chinese migrants are more likely to save money Religious beliefs and ethnic heritage are …

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