MGSM Alumni Christmas party
Much to the amusement of the crowd our Undercover Tenor treats some guests to a surprise singing lesson


MGSM Alumni Christmas party

/ December 14, 2015

Wednesday 2 December 2015 marked Jane Ferguson’s first MGSM Alumni Christmas party. More than 80 guests gathered in Sydney CBD to celebrate the festive season with an evening of cocktails, canapés and mesmerising music from performer Jake Meadows and his electric harp. Of course, the evening also offered the chance for our alumni to reconnect with old friends and to make valuable new connections, too!

Guests were given a warm welcome from the Dean of MGSM, Professor Alex Frino, and the evening gave Jane Ferguson the chance to personally introduce herself in her new role as Director of Alumni and Corporate Relations at MGSM and to set out her vision for 2016.

Jane is passionate about providing MGSM alumni with an unforgettable experience at each event, and with this in mind we enlisted the expert services of Mark Bradley and his fantastic trio from Tenors Undercover. Without giving too much of their act away we will simply assure you that our guests were left highly entertained and amazed by their performance!

Congratulations again to our lucky door prize winner Peter Kirievsky from Deloitte, who beat the competition to win a day’s experience driving an Aston Martin thanks to our corporate partner, Trivett. We hope you enjoy the ride, Peter!

Overall, it was a wonderful evening enjoyed by all and we can’t wait for the next event!

Comment (1)

  1. Dr. Kevin Khurram Kayani

    Amazing.. outstanding and unmatched… can describe it well. Tenor made that night one of our most memorable ones with tears laughing throughout on his candid jokes. Food, ambiance and quality of attendees made it a function never missed. Congratulations to the Alumni team at Macquarie Uni.


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