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Colonel Louis Auguste ChappuisLetter to Tipu Sultan[from Mangalore, April 1798] The Commander in Chief of the forces sent by the French Government to the Pacha Tippoo the Victorious. SOVEREIGN PACHA I hasten to announce to your majesty my arrival in your kingdom, and that of the French officers and volunteers sent to you by the Governor-general Malartique, of whom you will find the muster roll annexed. Your majesty will observe, that among the volunteers there are about twenty soldiers of colour, of different nations and castes, the greater part of whom may be employed with advantage in the artillery. You will there observe the chief of a legion, possessing every military qualification for filling with distinction the satisfaction of commander in chief, and two officers of artillery, with whom I hope you will be satisfied. I flatter myself that your majesty will afford an opportunity to the military which the French government already has sent, and may hereafter send you, of shewing that they will never make any distinction between the service of a prince whose alliance we so highly esteem and appreciate, and the service of their country. I have the honour to inform your majesty, that I have found here almost all the assistance which I could desire for my troops. The zeal and activity shewn by the commandant of Mangalore, in the disembarkation and reception of the troops, has convinced me of the great attention which he has paid to every thing that regarded us. I can add nothing to the well deserved commendation which General Malartique has expressed to your majesty, of your ambassadors, Assen Ally Khan and Mahommed Ibrahim; their exemplary conduct, on every occasion, at the Isle of France, on the passage, and particularly during the action which we had in Tellicherry roads with two English ships, mounting 52 guns, having on board the officers of a regiment, a battalion of Sepoys, and two standards, all which we captured and dispatched to the Isle of France, has merited our general esteem. I have the honour to express to your majesty the extreme desire which I feel to present my homage to you in person, and to communicate all the details respecting the mission with which the French government has entrusted me; and also to assure you, that I shall seize every opportunity of proving to you that your interests and your glory shall henceforth be considered by me as united with those of my country. I request your majesty will enable me to proceed to your presence as soon as possible, and issuer your orders that the detachment wit the baggage, which is considerable, may follow without delay. General Du Buc and myself hope to precede the detachment, which will be left under the orders of Dumoulin, the chief of a legion. I have the honour to be, &c. &c. (Signed) Chappuis
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