Naval Contemporaries
of Lachlan Macquarie in 1799
SKINNER, Thomas - Lieutenant [HEIC -
Bombay Marine] Commanding officer of the HEIC cruiser/brig
Viper that transported Lachlan Macquarie from Bombay to Cannanore
in February 1799. Lieutenant Skinner was an experienced naval officer
who had served in Indian waters since at least the early 1790's when he
had assisted in the preparation of detailed maritime survey of the west
coast of India. He received his commission as Captain on 1 December
1800. The Viper was a 14-gun vessel that had already seen extensive
duty in the region - and in October 1798 was involved in a savage naval action in the
Persian Gulf at Bushire [Bushehr]. While moored in Bushire Roads the
ship was attacked by Joasmi pirates, in armed dhows, who sought to seize
the vessel. They were fought off, though not before Lieutenant
Carruthers, the commanding officer, was killed by musketfire and 32 out
of a total crew of 65 were killed or wounded in the action.
Low, C.R. The History of the Indian Navy 1613-1863.
Publ. 1877 [2 vols.] Vol. I pp. 190-191; 216; 313-314.