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Monday 1. July 1822.
At ½ past 2,O'Clock this morning, Captain Raine awoke us to report that from his last Soundings he knew that we were now advanced some way into the English Channel – and had passed the Lizard last Night – or rather very early this morning.

At Day-light Land was clearly seen from the Deck, and by 3 A.M. we were abreast and in sight of the "the Start," sailing up Channel with a very fine strong fair Breeze; there being no less than 12 or 14 Sail of Shipping in sight at this time, some going up Channel, and some upward Bound. — When I got up and went upon Deck at 8,O'Clock, we were in sight and nearly abreast of the Bill of Portland – distant about Ten Miles from the Shore; the Coast looking beautiful.

Our Latd. this day at Noon was 50.° 24' North and our Longd. 4.° 30 West.

We were at this time nearly abreast of the Isle of Wight – the Breeze still continuing fair for us – and blowing pretty strong. Two Cows – Pilot Vessels Spoke us this forenoon; but we do not take a Pilot on board until we reach Dungeness.

We ran a distance of 220 miles during the last 24 Hours. —

Tuesday 2. July 1822.
Early this morning we were boarded by Mr. Henry Griggs one of the Branch Pilots Stationed at Dover for Piloting Ships and Vessels from the Channel to Gravesend in the River Thames. He accordingly took the entire charge of the Ship. —

We passed Dover at Noon - then Deal, Hythe, Ramsgate Margate &c. &c. &c.

At 11. P.M. we came to anchor 3 miles below the Nore, near the mouth of the Thames; our distance run this day being 160 miles.

Wednesday 3. July —
We weighed anchor at 5. a.m. and got under weigh with the Tide of Flood; – but the Wind being fore we had to beat up the River; there being about 20 Sail of Shipping in Company. — At Noon we came to anchor in the River, on the turning of the Tide, abreast of the Town of Lee in the County of Kent.

We passed on our Right, in the County of Essex, that beautiful Watering Place for Sea Bathing called "South-End."

Several large [word missing] – and some of them particularly beautiful, passed us after we had come to anchor today, full of Passengers coming from and going to London. — A great number of Ships & Vessels also past [sic] us coming down and going up the River Thames.

At ½ past 6. P.M. weighed anchor and began working up the River with the Tide of Flood – but the Wind still continues foul.

At ½ past 10. P.M. we came to anchor close to Gravesend, on the Tide of Flood getting slack; — A great number of Ships being in Company. —

Thursday 4. July!
We weighed anchor at ½ past 8,O'Clock this morning, at the beggining [sic] of Flood Tide.

At ½ past 1 P.M. we came to anchor immediately abreast of Woolwich, from whence we see St. Pauls and the Spires of some other Churches in London, being here only 8 miles distant from that Capital by Land. —

We this day passed through a most beautiful rich and fertile Tract of Country as any in the World, on each hand as we sailed up the River. — Some of the Seats of Nobleman and Gentlemen near the River are very striking, and beautifully laid out; particularly Lord Eardley's near Schooters Hill in Kent – and Mr. Avelock's at Green-Lythe, in Essex; and also Mr. Zachariah Buttons, in County of Kent.

Friday 5. July!
At ¼ before 12 at Noon we weighed anchor and stood up the River with the Tide of Flood. — At Half 2. P.[M.] we came to anchor at Deptford. —

At 3. P.M. I set out by Water for London in one of Thames Wherries, and landed at the Stairs near the Tower at Half past 4. P.M. — From thence I took a Hackney Coach, I called at Messrs. Coutts & Co.'s Banking House to get some money (£50 Str.) and took up my residence, immediately afterwards, at Osborn's Hotel in the Adelphi. — A few minutes after my arrival there my old friend Mr. Archd. Campbell the Army Agent called on me and staid to dine with me, giving me all the Highland news; and informing me that my dear Brother Charles had been some little time since dangerously ill, but that he is now (thank God!) fast recovering.

In the Evening I went to call on my excellent and highly esteemed friend Chas. Forbes Esqr. M.P. of Fitzroy Square; but I had not the good luck of finding him at Home, having left Town a few days since for Oxford, but from which he is expected in the course of tomorrow.

I then proceed [sic] to call on my old worthy friend Mr. Alexr. Gray of Mary la bonne St., [sic] whom I found at Home and spent Half an Hour with. — From his House I returned to my Quarters between 10 & 11 OClock, and went immediately to Bed.

Saturday 6. July!
Mr. Archd. Campbell Breakfasted with me at 9. a.m. – At 10. I went out to make the necessary calls. — I first visited my much esteemed friend Jas. Drummond Esqr. M.P. of Great George St. Westminster, and found him and Lady Emily at Home. — I sat with them for Half an Hour. — Mr. Drummond was then so good as to accompany me to take Lodgings, which we were so fortunate as to obtain in the adjoining Street to his own, namely at No. 22. Fludyer's Street Westminster – where I hired very commodious furnished [word missing], capable of accommodating my whole Family for Five Guineas a week. — Mr. D. then accompanied me to the Treasury and Downing Street. — At the former I was promised a Treasury Order for Landing my Baggage & Furniture and Presents &c. &c. free from Duty at the Custom House.

At the latter office I was informed that Earl Bathurst would be there between 3 and 4 OClock, which would be my best time to call on Him. —

Mr. D. and myself then parted, and I returned to the Hotel - from whence I took a Hackney Coach, and went to call on Genl. Balfour, Mr. Thos. Wilde, and my friend Mr. Chas. Forbes. — The two former were not at Home; but the latter was just returned from Oxford, and he received me in the most kind and affectionate manner. I remained with him till 3,O'Clock. — I then returned to the Hotel to call for my Dispatches and Papers, with which I immediately proceeded to wait on Earl Bathurst, arriving at the Office 5 minutes before 4,O'Clock.

His Lordship received me immediately on my Name being announced to Him, and gave a very kind and gracious reception. — Our Interview lasted nearly Half an Hour. — I then proceeded to leave my name at the Duke of York's House in Stable-Yard, and afterwards at the Adjt. Genl's Office, and the Office of the Duke's Mily. Secry. at the Horse-Guards, then at Mr. Greenwoods and finally at Mr. Archd. Campbell's office in Regent Street; but these several Gentlemen had left their offices before I called. — I then returned to the Hotel and took a hasty Dinner alone. —

At 5. P.M. I set out from the Adelphi, by Water in a Wherry, to join the Surry at Rotherhithe where she was to be today.

On arrival there, there being no tidings of the Surry, I proceeded down the River as far as Deptford where I had left her yesterday. Here I was informed she had proceeded up the River with the morning Tide, intending to go into and land her Cargo in one of the Great Docks. —

I accordingly returned up the River, and on my approaching the London Docks, I learnt the Surry had put into them early in the afternoon. — I landed therefore immediately with George and my Portmanteau, but as the Dock Gates shut up regularly at 8,O'Clock at Night, and it being near 9,O'Clock when I landed I was at first refused Entrance.

I had therefore to wait on the Captain of the Docks (Mr. Walton) who after making many difficulties, was at length prevailed on order the Gates to be opened – and to permit me to enter the Docks alone; being obliged to send George with my Baggage to sleep in a House in the Neighbourhood of the Docks till the Gates should be opened early on the following morning. I got on board the Surry lying near the Sea Entrance into the London Docks about Ten Minutes before 9,O'Clock, and had the happiness of finding my dear Mrs. M. and our beloved Boy both in good Health – and only anxious for my arrival.

As no lights are allowed on board Ships in the Docks, we all went to Bed after taking some Refreshments. —

Sunday 7 July!
I got up very early this morning, and went out of the Docks in search of George and my Baggage in Wapping, and having found Him, I brought him along with me on board the Surry; which we purpose making our Head Quarters now till we get all our Baggage &c. &c. &c. landed and passed the Custom House.

At 1. P.M. my good, faithful, and highly esteemed friend Charles Forbes Esqr. M.P. of Fitzroy Square, his Daughter Kitty, and youngest Son James, Came on board the Surry to visit us, and to see all our Pets, Horse &c. &c. — They staid [sic] to dine with us, and left us at 6, O'Clock. —

Lachlan made Miss Kitty Forbes a present of one of his two Cockatoos.

Monday 8. July!
At 11. a.m. this day, Mrs. M. Lachlan and myself left the Surry, to proceed by Water to London, for the purpose of seeing and sleeping for one Night in our newly taken Lodgings.

We took Boat near the Entrance of the Docks, and had a pleasant Rowe [sic] up the Thames to Whitehall Stairs, where we landed – and from thence took a Hackney Coach in which we drove to the House of our friend James Drummond Esqr. M.P. in Great George Street where I left Mrs. M. and Lachlan with Lady Emilly [sic] Drummond, whilst I went to make some calls in Town; Mr. Drummond himself not being at Home.

I returned to Mr. Drummond's at 5. P.M. for Mrs. M., but found she had set out under charge of our friend Mr. Drummond to our Lodgings in Fluyder [sic] Street, where I immediately joined her. — She was much pleased with our Lodgings – and had ordered a little Dinner for us at Home - George was out with Lachlan walking in the Park, but came Home soon after my arrival.

Mr. Drummond, Lady Emilly [sic], and their young Family – and their friend Mr. Gordon of Abergeldy, had appointed tomorrow for visiting us on board the Surry in the London Docks. —

Tuesday 9.
We Breakfasted at our Lodgings this morning, and I went out soon afterwards to make some calls in Town — but returned again before 12,O'Clock. — We then set out for the London Docks; it being arranged that the Drummond Family should join us there at 1,O'Clock.

We only arrived about a quarter of an Hour before them on board the Ship; so that Mrs. M. was much hurried in making the necessary preparations for their reception. — They joined us accordingly at 1. P.M., dined with us, and remained on board with us till 5. P.M. when they took their Leave and returned to Town; having expressed themselves much pleased with every thing they saw from New South Wales – and more especially with the neatness and spaciousness of our own accommodations on board. —

I this day hired a Scotch Vessel called the Thane of Fife, for Seventy Pounds Sterling to convey all my Baggage, Furniture, Pets, Cow, &c. &c. to my own Seat of Jarvisfield, in the Island of Mull; - with permission to fill her up with Coals or anything else I chuse [sic] to send thither; her Burthen being Eighty Tons, and commanded by Capt. James Wilson, who has been formerly in that Country. —

Wedy. 10. July 1822
I went to Town to transact Business and pay Visits. I obtained a promise that the Lords of the Treasury would exempt my Baggage, Presents &c. &c. (– with a few exceptions –) from paying Duty; and that Orders to that effect would be sent to the Commissioners of the Customs &c. Excise in the course of tomorrow. — I took an early Dinner in Town; and returned to the London Docks in the Evening. —

Thursday 11. July!
Went to Town after Breakfast and came back again to Dinner. —

Friday 12. July!
The Orders for landing my Baggage &c. arrived this day from the Treasury, and the Officers of the Customs &c. Excise came on board to inspect and pass the same; which ceremony commenced today, but it appears it will take a week to go through the Business. — I went to Town in the morning, and came back to the Ship in the Evening. —

Saturday 13. July 1822.
I went to Town after Breakfast, to transact business and make a few Calls. — I hired and Jobbed a Carriage (Coach) and Pair of Horses, agreeing to pay 25 Guineas per month for the same, besides paying the Coachman Board Wages at the rate of 2/6 per Diem; the whole expence Commencing on and from this same day.

I sent my Horse Sultan this day to stand at Gullan's Livery Stables at the rate of 3/- per Diem, besides Board Wages to my own Groom at the rate of 2/6 per Diem. —

[End of the Journal describing the voyage from New South Wales to Britain via Cape Horn].

Macquarie, Lachlan. Journal of a Voyage to England, 1822.
[12 February 1822 - 13 July 1822]
Original held in Mitchell Library, Sydney.
ML Ref: A775 93-130 ff. [CY Reel 302 Frames #98-135].

Saty. 13.
Went to Miss Merediths.

Wedy. 17.
Returned from do. do. to London Docks & in the Evg. removed to our Lodgings in London No. 22 Fludyer St. from which date Mrs. M. was confined to Bed very unwell.

Wedy. 24.
Dined wth. Sir E. Arhobus.

Fridy. 26.
Dined at United Service Club — H.R.H. D[uke] of Y[ork]. being there.

Saty. 27.
Dined wth. Mr. Booth.

Lady Emily Drummond & Family set out for Scotland.

July 29th.
Presented my Report &c. &c. to Ld. Bathurst.

[July] 30th.
Had an interview with Marquis Londonderry.

[July] 31st.
Lt. H. Macquarie sailed for Scotland in the City of Edinburgh Steam Boat. —

Macquarie, Lachlan. Memoranda & Related Papers. 22 December – 14 July 1823.
Original held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.
ML Ref: A772 pp.179-180; [Microfilm Reel: CY301 Frames #189-190].

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