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Tuesday 4. May !!! This being the anniversary of the fall of Seringapatam – this Day 20 Years! I inspected the 48th. Regt. and gave a Dinner as above in honor of the Day. —
Friday 7. May ! L. M.
Saturday 8. May 1819 ! The Lady Nelson proceeds with Mr. Oxley to "Port Macquarie" for the purpose of taking a Survey of that Port, its Entrance, and of the River Hastings flowing into; together with its Soil, and Capabilities for a Settlement being established there at some future time. L. M.
Thursday 13. May 1819 ! The Little Mary is ladened with sundry merchandize from the Mauritius for this Colony and has brought Two Male Convicts under Sentence of Transportation from that Colony to this. — I have received Dispatches by this Conveyance from my old acquaintance (and Brother Staff in the London District in 1803 & 1804) Major Genl. Ralph Darling, who is at present Acting governor and Commander of the Forces in the Isle of France.
Saturday 15. May 1819 ! N. B. The Surry is to sail on 1st. July next. — L. M. It having been reported to me that a Banditti of about Twenty Armed Runaway Convicts had within the last two days made their appearance near the Stone-Quarry-Creek in the Cow-Pastures, I this day at 1. P.M. Sent off a Detachment of 22 Soldiers of the 48th. Regt., Commanded by Lieut. Close, with 7 days Provisons in pursuit of this Banditti, with Instructions to scour every part of the Cow Pastures, and to apprehend or destroy these Violators of the Public Peace. —
Monday 17. May 1817 ! [sic] N. B. The Foxhound is Commanded by Capt. Wm. Watson. L. M.
Thursday 20. May 1819 !
Saturday 22. May !
Tuesday 25. May ! L. M.
Saturday 29 May !!! On our arrival at Sydney at 12,O'Clock, learnt that the Ship Mary commanded by Capt. Orman from Bengal had anchored in Sydney Cove about Half an Hour before. — This Ship touched at the Derwent, where She left the Hibernia Male Convict Ship, which had arrived there from England on the 12th. Inst. with 157 Male Convicts for the Settlements in Van Diemen's Land, and which have been accordingly landed at the Derwent. — It appears the Hibernia has had a very tedious Passage from England, having Sailed from that Country on the 18th. of November last. — The Hibernia brings the afflicting accounts of the Death of the Queen, which mournful event took place at Kew on the 17th. of November last. As none of my Public or Private Letters from England make any mention of this mournful event, and as the Ship Baring may now be daily expected with the Official accounts of this Public Calamity, I have determined on taking no notice of this event till the arrival of this Ship; the more especially as the Anniversary of the Birth of our beloved Sovereign is so very near at Hand. — The Dispatch Bag which which came for me by the Hibernia was forwarded to me by Lt. Govr. Sorell per the Ship Mary Capt. Orman. — L. M.
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