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Tuesday 1. June !
Wednesday 2. June ! L. M.
Thursday 3. June 1819 !
Friday 4. June !!! At 1,O'Clock today (after the firing of the Troops in Hyde Park) I went to the Convict Barrack, accompanied by Lt. Govr. Erskine, Mr. Judge Advocate Wylde, Mr. Justice Field, Major Druitt, and my own Family, to see the Convicts sit down to their first Dinner, according to the New System, in the new elegant Barrack in Hyde Park. This was a most highly gratifying and interesting sight; no less than 589 Convicts having sat down to a most excellent Dinner; Plum Pudding and an allowance of Punch being allowed to them, in addition to their regular meal on this auspicious Day. — I addressed them in a short plain speech, and was followed by Mr. Judge Advocate Wylde on one more at length. — Mrs. M. and myself, and the Friends who accompanied us drank to their Health & Prosperity. They all appeared very happy and contented, and gave is three cheers on our coming away. — Every thing was in good order, and Major Druitt and Messrs. Hutchinson and Gandell exerted themselves to the utmost in making all the necessary arrangements for the whole of the Convicts, destined for the new Barracks, dining in them this Day, agreeablly to the orders issued on this head, on the 1st. of last month. — The whole of the Government Carts and Trucks, with their respective Teams of fine Horses, in all Twenty Carriages with a Team of 3 Horses to each, were regularly paraded this day at 11,O'Clock at the Govt. Stables in the Brick-Fields, and were driven in regular Procession through George Street and the Govt. Domain to Hyde-Park – and thence back to their Stables; the Drivers being very smart and well dressed, the Horses in high condition, and the Carriages and Harness very clean and in good order; reflecting the highest credit on Major Druitt's judicious arrangements. — The American Brig (Whaler) Genl. Gates Capt. Riggs, arrived in the Cove this day from Boston. — L. M.
Saturday 5. June 1819 ! A New Institution, called the Savings Bank Society, was established at this meeting, at the recommendation of The Honble. Mr. Justice Field. — The Meeting took place at 12 at Noon, and broke up at 3,O'Clock. L. M. Memo! I received this afternoon the distressing intelligence of the lamented Death of our dear & much esteemed departed Friend Capt. Glenholme 73d. Regt. lately at Ceylon!L. M.
Wednesday 9. June 1819 ! > L. M. [** Supposed about 50 acres.*] I received Reports this afternoon from Windsor that the Rivers Hawkesbury and Nepean had suddenly overflowed their Banks on last Sunday Night and that on Monday morning there was an immense Inundation of both those Rivers, from the Torrents of Rain which had fallen on Saturday and Sunday last, especially on the Night of the latter – when there was also one of the most severe Gales of Wind, or Storm – both at Sydney and in the Interior, – ever known in the Colony. — On Tuesday (yesterday) the Flood was at its full height at Windsor – the Water being quite still and smooth – covering the whole of the Low country along the Banks of the Hawkesbury for a great distance. — The injuries occasioned by this Flood has not yet been ascertained, but they must be very considerable. — L. M.
Sunday 13. June 1819 !!! N. B. Capt. Watson expects to arrive in England in 3½ months from the time of his departure hence. —
Friday 18. June !
Saturday 19. June !!! On this same day arrived in the Harbour the Brig Lynx Commanded by Capt. Siddons – with a Cargo of Merchandize from Calcutta. —
Tuesday 22. June 1819 !
Saturday 26. June 1819 !!! I arrived in Town at 1,O'Clock and found the Transport Ship Baring, commanded by Capt. John Lamb, with Male Convicts from England, had anchored in the Harbour about an Hour before my arrival from Parramatta. The Baring sailed finally from England with 300 Male Convicts, on the 27th. of January last; having touched at Madeira and the Derwent. — Doctr. David Reid is Surgeon Supdt. of the Baring; and the Guard consisting of one Ensign (White) and 52 Soldiers of the 48th. Regt. is commanded by Capt. Coates of the 89th. Regt. — Five of the Convicts died on the Passage, Five were landed sick at the Derwent, and 290 have arrived here in good Health. — The Revd. Mr. John Cross, Chaplain for this Colony, and his Family; The Revd. Mr. John Butler Missionary Clergyman, with his Family, and two other Missionaries; together with Mrs. Capt. Coates & Family, and some few other Persons, have come out as Passengers on board the Baring. — I have received some few Public Dispatches from the Secry. of State of as late dates as the 16th. of Decr. last, but containing nothing of interest. — L. M.
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