Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

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Monday 20. May !!!

We were this day at Noon in Latd. 2. ° 57' South and Longd. 30. ° West. -- At 5. p.m. we had the misfortune to lose our Cook James White, alias Wait, very unexpectedly.

He was only taken ill on Saturday morning last, and every possible attention was paid him by Doctr. Ramsey. [sic] His complaint was Cold and Fever but he never was at all considered in any Danger, and his Death was consequently as unexpected as it was sudden.

He had gone on shore without any permission to St. Salvador on the Day before we sailed, and there got violently intoxicated with the ardent Poisonous spirits of that Place, to which, in part, his sudden Death is principally to be ascribed, and which we all sincerely lament; as, he was, in all other respects, a very well behaved man. -- He had obtained from some time since an absolute Pardon (-- being only under seven years sentence), and was now on his way Home to join his wife and Family; having embarked on board the Surry as my Cook for the voyage to England. --

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