R - Z
RAINE, Captain Thomas (1793 -1860)
Mariner and merchant.
Thomas Raine commanded the transport ship Surry on three voyages to Australia: 1816/1817; 1818/1819; and 1821/1822.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.359 -360].
RAMSAY, Dr. David (1794 -1860)
Medical practitioner and merchant.
David Ramsay arrived in Sydney on 24 September 1820 as ship's surgeon on board the Surry. Four months later he sailed for Valparaiso, Chile, in the Surry, returning again in 1821. He was ship's surgeon for the voyage in 1822 which carried the Macquaries back to England and he returned to New South Wales in June 1823. He formed an important mercantile partnership with Captain Thomas Raine - known as Raine & Ramsay - and he ceased to practise medicine.
The partnership dissolved in 1828 under claims that Raine was misappropriating company funds, and thereafter Ramsay developed a wide range of commercial and pastoral interests in New South Wales.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.361].
REDDALL, Reverend Thomas (1780 - 1838)
Reddall arrived in September 1820 on the Morley and introduced the National System of Education into the Male Orphan Institution. On November 25th 1820, Macquarie wrote to James Meehan asking whether he would be willing to rent his house at Macquarie Fields to the Government as it was intended to provide Reddall with a house in the interior to enable him to keep an academy for the education of the upper classes of youth of the Colony.
Reddall remained in Sydney until March 1821 but in May had taken up duties as clergyman in the districts of Airds, Appin and Minto. The Sydney Gazette, May 5th 1821 published a notice of a meeting of the Campbelltown Bible Association to be held on May 14th and signed by Rev. Thomas Reddall. Lachlan Macquarie, junior, and Edward Sorell were the two first pupils at the academy at Meehan's Castle. They were placed there by Governor and Mrs. Macquarie on August 2nd 1821. Also visited by the Macquaries in January 1822 tour to the Cowpastures and Illawarra.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.219 -220].
REDFERN, William (c.1774 - 1833)
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.368 -370].
REID, David (c.1777 - 1840)
Naval surgeon, pastoralist, and magistrate.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.375 -376].
RILEY, Alexander (c.1778 -1833)
Merchant and pastoralist.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.379 -381].
ROBERTS, Ensign Charles H.
Soldier in 48th Regiment.
Accompanied Macquarie on his tour of inspection to Newcastle in 1818. On duty at Port Macquarie in 1823; promoted to Lieutenant by 1824.
ROUSE, Mary (1799 - 1883)
Maidservant to Elizabeth Macquarie.
Accompanied the Macquaries to Newcastle in 1818.
[see Profile: Mary Rouse]
SANTOS, William
SCOTT, Thomas Hobbes (1783 -1860)
Archdeacon, Church of England clergyman.
Accompanied his brother-in-law J.T. Bigge to New South Wales to help investigate Macquarie's administration of the colony.Arrived in Sydney on board the John Barry on 26 September 1819.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.431 - 433].
SORELL, William (1773-1848)
Soldier, and lieut.governor of Van Diemen's Land (1817-1824).
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.459 - 462; and see also entry in Bibliography: Mickleborough].
TAYLOR, James (c.1785 - 1829)
Military officer and painter.
[see The Dictionary of Australian Artists (ed. Joan Kerr) (1992) pp.779 - 780.
THOMPSON, Andrew (c.1773 -1810)
Emancipist, constable, landholder and businessman.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.519 -521].
See: Cemetery Inscription
THROSBY, Charles (1777- 1828)
Surgeon, settler and explorer.
Also spelt as 'Throsbey' by Macquarie.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.530 -531].
TOWNSON, Captain John (1760 - 1835)
Military officer (in the N.S.W. Corps),and settler.
Captain Townson succeeded Philip Gidley King as Commandant of Norfolk Island in 1796 and remained there for three years. He left the service in England but returned to N.S.W. as a settler in August, 1806. On July 9th 1808, he received grants near Botany Bay totalling 2,000 acres.The Sydney suburbs of Bexley and Hurstville are on John Townson's grant, portion 115, parish of St. George. The "cottage" mentioned by Macquarie was on a grant of 50 acres, a waterside addition to his main grant. It was portion 119, parish of St. George and was on Townson's or Kogarah Bay, an arm of Botany Bay. His house was called 'The Retreat.'
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.536 -537].
TOWNSON, Dr. Robert (1763 - 1827)
Scholar, scientist and settler.
Brother of Captain John Townson. In a memorial to Governor Macquarie, dated 18 January 1810, Robert Townson signed as LL.D. and said he "enjoyed fame as a man of science" With an order from the Secretary of State, he received two grants from William Paterson, one of 1,605 acres in the parish of St. George (including the present suburbs of Penshurst and Mortdale) and one of 1,000 acres, portion 20, parish of Minto, called 'Varroville', which became one of the show farms of the Colony. Robert Townson died on 27 June 1827, age 65, and is buried in St. John's cemetery, Parramatta.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.537 -538].
TUCKER, Jnr. John
Macquarie refers to John Tucker, junior, born in Sydney on 8 May 1795. His father was storekeeper at Newcastle. The farm mentioned by Macquarie in his 1818 journal entry was Albion farm, at Woodville, on the Paterson River.
UTHER, Reuben (1791 -1880)
Merchant, manufacturer, and landholder.
Arrived in Sydney on board the Sydney Cove in June 1807. In 1812 Macquarie granted Uther 400 acres in the Appin district and by 1815 he had a contract to supply meat to the government stores.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.548 -549].
Arrived on the Fortune. He is listed in the 1822 Muster as a constable at Liverpool.
WALLIS, James (c.1785 - 1858)
Military officer (46th Regiment) and painter.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.568 -569; and Dictionary of Australian Artists: Painters, Sketchers, Photographers and Engravers to 1870. (ed. Joan Kerr) p.832].
WARBY, John (c.1767 -1851)
Convict, guide and explorer.
Arrived on the Pitt in February 1792 and later the same year he acquired the 50 acre grant of John Limeburner [portion 65, parish of Prospect]. He accompanied Barrallier (in 1802) and Caley (1806) in their attempts to find a route through the Blue Mountains. He was appointed stockman in charge of the wild cattle at the Cowpastures,and it was from his house at Prospect that the old track to the Cowpastures commenced.
He was a noted guide and led Macquarie and his party from Prospect Hill through the Cowpastures in November 1810 and again in October 1815 along the Nattai River. In June 1816 Macquarie rewarded his services by granting him 260 acres at Campbelltown. He built a house here and died on this property on 12 June 1851, aged 84. He married Sarah Bentley in September 1796 and they raised a large family of 23 children of whom 11 survived.
His name is also spelt Walbey and Warlby.
[see Profile: John Warby].
WARD, Joseph
Arrived on the Coromandelin 1802.
WATTS, John Cliffe (1786 -1873)
Army officer, aide-de-camp to Governor Macquarie, architect, and later Postmaster General of South Australia.
[see Profile: John Watts].
WELLS, William (1768 -1823)
Arrived on the Barwell in 1798. On March 4th, 1811, Macquarie gave him an order for 50 acres on the Nepean River near Camden, portion 11, parish of Narellan. William Wells was murdered on 22 September 1823, aged 55.
WENTWORTH, Dr. D'Arcy (c.1762 -1827)
Medical practioner and public servant.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.579-582].
WENTWORTH, William Charles (1790 -1872)
Explorer, landowner, barrister and statesman.
Son of Dr. D'Arcy Wentworth and Catherine Crowley.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.582-589].
WHALAN (Snr.) Charles (1772 -1839)
Soldier, close friend of the Macquaries.
Charles Whalan arrived on theAlbermarle on 13 October 1791. He enlisted in the N.S.W. Corps in 1793 and rose to the rank of Sergeant in that Regiment before transferring to the 73rd Regiment on the arrival of Macquarie. Whalan was Governor King's Orderly from 1805 and commanded the Governor's Bodyguard of Light Horse; he continued to serve in this capacity under Macquarie, who trusted him implicity. For his services, Whalan received land grants from Governors Macquarie and Brisbane, and died at Prospect on April 18th, 1839, aged 67.
WHALAN, Charles (1811 -1885)
Second eldest son of Charles and Elizabeth (nee Berry) Whalan. Born 17 May 1811 he was a close companion of Governor Macquarie's son, Lachlan. In 1838, along with his brother James, he became the reputed (and disputed) discoverer of the Jenolan Caves, near Oberon; he was appointed guide and caretaker for.the Caves in 1867, and died on February 2nd, 1885.
WHALAN, James (1806 -1854)
Eldest son of Charles and Elizabeth (nee Berry) Whalan. Born 5 March 1806.
WAIT, James (also WAITE or WHITE) (c.1798 - 1822)
Cook for Lachlan Macquarie.
[see Profile: James Wait]
WILD, Joseph (also WILDE) (c.1773 - 1847)
Bushman, constable, and stockman (to Charles Throsby).
Arrived in Australia on the convict transport Ganges in 1797; received ticket-of-leave in 1810, and conditional pardon in Jan.1813.
[seeAustralian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.597-598].
WOODRIFF, Captain Daniel (1756 -1842)
Naval officer.
Captain Daniel Woodriff, R.N., came first to New South Wales in 1792 as naval agent on the convict transport Kitty. His second visit was in command of the Calcutta, which brought Lt. Governor David Collins with a contingent to found a settlement at Port Phillip, which in 1804 moved to Hobart. Captain Woodriff came on to Sydney in the Calcutta, and received a grant of 1,000 acres on the Nepean on 1 February 1804. Woodriff went to England, and did not return to Australia. The town of Penrith was built upon the Woodriff grant.
[see Australian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.621-622].
WYLDE, Sir John (1781 -1859)
Arrived in New South Wales on 5 October 1816, accompanied by his wife, six children, his father and his brother-in-law (Joshua John Moore).
[seeAustralian Dictionary of Biography 1788-1850 Vol.2 pp.627-629].
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