Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Wednesday 3. July --

We weighed anchor at 5. a.m. and got under weigh with the Tide of Flood; -- but the Wind being fore we had to beat up the River; there being about 20 Sail of Shipping in Company. ---
At Noon we came to anchor in the River, on the turning of the Tide, abreast of the Town of Lee in the County of Kent.

We passed on our Right, in the county of Essex, that beautiful Watering Place for Sea Bathing called "South-End."

Several large and some of them particularly beautiful, passed us after we had come to anchor today, full of Passengers coming from and going to London. A great number of Ships & Vessels also past [sic] us coming down and going up the River Thames.
At 1/2 past 6. p.m. weighed anchor and began working up the River with the Tide of Flood - but the Wind still continues fore.

At 1/2 past 10. p.m. we came to anchor close to Gravesend, on the Tide of Flood getting slack; -- A great number of Ships being in Company. ---

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