Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Wednesday 21. Novr. 1821.
We had a Calm the greater part of the Night -- and consequently made very little progress in our Voyage.

At 9. a.m. We were only abreast of Broken Bay 20 miles from Port Jackson. ---We have now however a fine Breeze of 4 Knots an Hour, but there is a light Current against us -- which considerably retards our Progress. ---The Snapper Cutter is in company with us -- and the Newcastle Schooner is in sight -- but about Ten miles ahead of us. ---At 1/4 before 11. a.m. we saw the Newcastle enter Port Jackson Heads and we expect to do the same in about an Hour and a half.

At 12 at Noon, we Entered the Heads of Port Jackson -- and the Wind being directly fair ran up the Harbour in the Brig. ---We anchored at 1 p.m.. and landed immediately at Mrs. M's Private Stairs -- where I had the happiness of meeting my dearest Elizabeth -- our Darling Boy being at Mr. Reddall's.

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