Tuesday 31. Octr. ---
We all got up at 5 o'clock, Dressed, and Breakfasted at 6. ---There had been a light Rain all Night -- which still continues. ---The Tents of course are all wet and very heavy. They were however struck and Packed up as soon as we had Breakfasted -- and the whole of the Baggage was sent off by a quarter past 7. We set out ourselves at the same Hour, the Rain soon afterwards discontinuing. ---We travelled by the same Route we advanced -- only in some Places avoiding the bad Bogs. ---Wild's Pass, on the Cookbundoon Range had been considerably improved by the Road-makers since we had passed it before, and made much easier for the Wheel Carriages to pass it. ---At 1/4 past 11. a.m. we arrived on our former Ground on the Right Bank of the Cookbundoon River -- but the last of the heavy Baggage did not come up till a quarter past 1. p.m. ---The Tents were then immediately Pitched, it being now a fine warm Sunny Day -- and will soon dry them. ---In the interval between our own arrival and that of our Baggage, I took a ride with the Commissioner on the Road to Wallandilly for about a couple of miles to shew him the Country in the vicinity of this Station. ---We dined today at 5 o'clock -- and drank Tea & retired to Bed at the usual Hours. ---It threatened Rain very much when we went to Bed. ---On my arrival this day at our present Camp, I Purchased four very pretty young Emus (Hatched at the same time and about 2 months old) and a very little Rock Kangaroo, from Joseph Wild, the Overseer of the Road Party, as Presents for my beloved Lachlan. I have also brought on a young Swan for him, which was caught by Mr. Throsby's men at "Lake George," -- all which I hope will get safe to Parramatta, and must prove highly acceptable.
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