Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Wednesday 1. Novr. 1820.
It rained a good deal last Night -- but not very heavy. ---It is fair this morning -- but very windy and still threatening Rain. We all got up a little after 5 o'clock this morning, and Breakfasted at six.---

The last of the heavy Baggage was sent off at a qr. past 7 o'clock, and we followed it ourselves at the same Hour -- only diverging a little to the Right from the Road by which the Baggage went on purpose to explore the Country to the Southward and Eastward of it. ---We passed through some very fine Forest Land, beautifully diversified with Hill and Valley -- and thinly Timbered. ---About half way between Cookbundoon and Wallandilly Rivers, we fell in with large and most curious looking masses of Rock called the Pudding Stone -- and of various odd shapes -- isolated -- and about Sixty feet in Height; some of the sides of these masses being quite perpendicular, and like the Walls of an old Castle.

Further on we came to a very beautiful open Forest about 4 miles from Wallandilly River; the Land being undulated and very beautiful -- and very thinly Timbered. ---The Commissioner having frequently expressed his admiration of these fine Plains -- or open Forest I proposed giving them his name, but which he declined. ---I therefore named this beautiful Tract of rich Forest Land "Eden Forest" in honor of Lord Auckland, who has proved himself so much the real friend of the Chief Inhabitants of Australia, namely those who have been Convicts or are descended from Convicts.

We reached our new Ground on the Pininsula, formed by the junction of the Wallandilly and St. Patrick Rivers, at Half past 1 o'clock, and found our Camp Pitched on a very pretty Ridge -- our Baggage having arrived here an Hour before us; -- it having only a distance of 13 miles to come, whilst we rode -- by our circuitous Route at least 7 miles more.---

We took some Wine and Biscuit when we arrived, and dined at 1/2 past 4 o'clock.---

We had no sooner sat down to Dinner than it came on to Rain -- and continued to do so till 7 o'clock. We drank Tea & went to Bed at the usual Hour of 9. ---It being cold and damp, we had large Fires made in front of all our Tents.

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