Sunday 5. Novr. ! ---
This being a Resting & Halting Day, we slept a little longer and did not get up till 6 o'clock this morning -- and Breakfasted between 7 & 8 o'clock. ---At 9, we set out on a long Ride to see the Govt. Herds stationed at Lowe's Hill to the Northward of this Station distant about 7 miles. ---After we had seen and examined the Cattle, we travelled for 2 or 3 miles more along the Left Bank of the River Nepean, opposite to Coppetty -- then returned to the Hill hitherto called (unauthorizedly) Lowe's Hill -- which commands a most noble extensive prospect -- and which I have now named (at the particular request of Commissr. Bigge) "Brownlow-Hill" after his friend Lord Brownlow; and from thence proceeded by the Range of Hills leading to Mount Hunter for the purpose of seeing some of the Wild Cattle in their natural state. ---In the course of our Ride we fell in with 3 or 4 small Herds, some of which we hunted, and the Commissioner enjoyed the sport amazingly. ---After a very pleasant Excursion, and riding about 25 miles, we returned to Camp at 1/2 past 2 o'clock. On my arrival I had the felicity of receiving a Packet of Letters dated yesterday from my beloved Elizabeth and Lachlan, conveying to me the joyful intelligence of their being both in good Health; but this gratifying news was greatly clouded by the accounts of an event of a most awful nature that might have at once deprived me of all that makes Life to me valuable -- namely the Govt. House at Parramatta having been struck by Lightning yesterday morning at Ten o'clock; -- but through the interposition of Divine Providence, no injury was done to any living Creature. ---How thankful I ought to be to God for this escape -- and I am devoutly so! ---
The Commissr. having resolved on going to sleep at Mr. Oxley's tonight, we dined today at 4 o'clock, to enable him to cross the River before dark. He accordingly left us -- with his own immediate Suite at 6 o'clock. --- Messrs. Jas. & Wm. McArthur dined with us -- they being at present residing at their Father's Farm of Lower Camden. ---We had no sooner returned Home from our Ride this afternoon than it came on very heavy Rain. ---We drank Tea at 7 -- and retired to Rest at 9 -- then raining very heavy.---
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