Saturday 4. Novr.
It rained a good deal in the course of the Night -- but was fair when we got up at 5 this morning. ---We Breakfasted a little before 6 o'clock, and the last of the Bagage, [sic] and ourselves set out a qr. before 7. It came on pretty smart rain at that hour. ---Travelling through Stone Quarry Creek & southern parts of the Cow Pastures, and Mr. McArthur's Farms of upper & lower Camden, where we stopt to take some Refreshment -- and having also examined the Govt. Flocks of Sheep, we arrived at Cawdor at a qr. after 4. p.m. where we found all our Baggage had arrived a few minutes only before us; the Road they came being only 24 miles, while our Route hither -- being circuitous -- was at least 35 miles.
We viewed all the Govt. Cattle here & found them in very fine order; Dressed & dined at Six -- drank Tea at 8 -- and went to Bed at 9 o'clock.
We found Mr. David Johnston Supdt. of Govt. Stock, waiting for us at Cawdor.---
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