Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Saturday 8. Augt. !

At Day-break we were out of sight of Newcastle, and about 20 miles to the Southward of it. From this time till 1 p.m it was almost a dead calm, and consequently we made little progress; but at Noon we found by the observation we had got on about 31 miles from Newcastle towards Port Jackson, which we attributed to a strong current running in our favor. -- An Easterly Breeze springing up a 1 p.m we began to make better way and to get on at the rate of about 4 Knots an Hour. -- By Sun-down we were within about 15 miles of the Heads of Port Jackson, which were visible from the Mast Head -- but the Breeze continuing good, we hope to get in by Eleven o'clock.
-- As however it would be then too late to land, we have resolved on sleeping on board.

At 1/2 past 11 o'clock we arrived within the Heads. -- It soon afterwards becoming almost calm, and the Wind having changed to the westward, it took the Brig the remaining part of the Night to work up to Garden Island, abreast of which she anchored at Half past 2 o'clock the following morning.---

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